Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Big Deal

THE OPINION OF THE RUMP Eschaton community which hasn't been what it was since circa 2006, matters not the least to me in 2021.  They are typical of middle-brow, college-credentialed numb nuts who probably never looked up a reference in their lives.  She should change her name to "Donc je suis un idiot."

I figure anyone who thinks anything that gets said there is of any importance probably fits into that category.  I can't say that even the bad opinion of the handful of those I once respected would much concern me.  I mean, if they're still wasting time among the ones who spend all day, every day there going on decades I suspect I thought too well of them out of charity.  Duncan will probably end up voting for Republicans, he's a libertarian at heart.   What little of that there is. 

''National Socialism is nothing but applied biology.''

Rudolph Hess 1934 when he was Hitler's second in command, the man to whom he dictated Mein Kampf.

 And here is one of my even less cheerful proofs that Hess was not the only one who based their Nazism on natural selection. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

They will have to be dealt with appropriately, because otherwise, by natural selection, they would form the germ cell of a new Jewish revival.

In re-reading what I wrote this morning, I saw a mistake in one thing I said, I said that Natural Selection had never been used to recommend the murder of the Irish, that was not true because among the 11 million European Jews the Nazis planned on murdering the Jewish citizens of Ireland were among them.  Jewish-Irish being citizens of Ireland are as Irish as anyone whose name begins with an Mc.

In response to comments.

That Natural Selection was part of the thinking of the Nazis as they planned their genocide is undeniable as it was mentioned in the minutes to the Wannsee conference by Reinhard Heydrich, specifically in relation to the genocide of the Jews.  From the Jewish Virtual Library

One of Heydrich's subordinates, Adolf Eichmann, took minutes, thirty copies of which were evidently distributed among the participants and other interested parties in the following weeks. The only surviving copy, marked No. 16 out of 30, was found in March 1947 among German Foreign Office files by American War Crimes investigators. After that discovery, the minutes, or "Wannsee Protocol," rapidly attained postwar notoriety.

The document's resonance derived above all from the coldly bureaucratic clarity with which it articulated a pan-European plan of genocide. The minutes are summary rather than verbatim, so we cannot be sure of all that was said, but the principal element of the conference was evidently Heydrich's lengthy exposition of past, present, and future policies. Some parts of the minutes were shrouded in euphemism, as when Heydrich discussed what the Protocol refers to as "new possibilities in the East." A table slated 11 million European Jews, listed by country, for inclusion in these "possibilities." Because of such euphemisms, Holocaust deniers among others have claimed that murder was not on the agenda, but elsewhere the Protocol is unequivocal:

In large, single-sex labor columns, Jews fit to work will work their way eastwards constructing roads. Doubtless the large majority will be eliminated by natural causes. Any final remnant that survives will doubtless consist of the most resistant elements. They will have to be dealt with appropriately, because otherwise, by natural selection, they would form the germ cell of a new Jewish revival.

Update:  I learned at Eschaton that dishonesty may as well be called "stupidity" because all of the dishonest things said there were as stupid as the dishonesty on FOX or on Paul Harvey's show.  And there was lots of it, especially from Simels.  It continued because the owner of the site couldn't be bothered with something as insignificant as the truth.  Lies are the functional equivalent of stupidity because they lead away from reality. 

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