Friday, November 13, 2020

Yes For An Answer

It would seem that Barack Obama's book is coming out, I've read an excerpt and heard some of it read in his very good narration. Obama is probably the most effective voice to read his own words, not all writers are. He's a good writer and I believe he wrote the book. 

In one excerpt he raises the question if his administration was weakened because he was too cautious, to which his answer is a safe "I don't know". 


Well, one of the things about choosing to not answer a question is to allow others to answer the question for you so I will say, YES. Barack Obama's campaign promised his supporters boldness and audacity and a readiness to decisively take power on behalf of Democrats and democrats and those who wanted a decisive, brave leader and instead we got someone who wouldn't take on even the likes of the quisling Joe Lieberman, the phonies like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and to boldly give the American People things that were terribly needed.

A far bolder and more effective workers' benefitting recovery program, for one. Him putting the likes of Larry Summers and Tim Geither in charge of such things, him gutting it in a futile attempt to get Snowe and Collins to vote for it so he could get the phony, insincere, cabloid-Face The Nation-C-Span Washington Journal desideratum of "bipartisanship" slogan on it was a major and harmful self-weakening move. And so timid was Obama that, when those two phony "moderates" didn't vote for the hobbled program he still hankered after having Republicans like him. What he needed was to make them fear him.  I will never forgive Barack Obama for valuing the never to be had support of Republicans more than keeping faith with those who gave him the greatest opportunity of a Democratic President since 1964 which he squandered, not least for what he clearly had no reason to expect he would have.

And then there is him allowing the quisling Lieberman and other conservative Democrats prevent a far more effective healthcare bill which would certainly have been far more popular and far easier to understand than Obamacare. That started with the putrid Rahm Emanuel giving Big Pharma what they wanted at the start.


I could go on and on and on as to how what started out promising such boldness voluntarily weakened itself through Obama's emotional need for the love of Republicans who used his race to rally the racists whose ownership of the Republican Party came to the forefront in the putrid Trump and the vile McConnell who clearly turned Obama into a half-president as soon as he took control of the Senate. I think that the Republican Party, in its entirety used Obama's race as the basis of its rally. NO REPUBLICAN WHO REMAINS IN THAT PARTY IN 2020 CAN BE ALLOWED TO ESCAPE THE RACISM WHICH THEY HAVE KNOWINGLY BENEFITED FROM AND WHICH THEY HAVE NEVER REALLY OPPOSED. The Republican Party that was made by Nixon and Goldwater, benefiting from the backlash to the great Civil Rights movement and its progress is the only Republican Party that is there now. Obama pretending that the fraudulent Snowe and Collins were not part of that was one of the more stunning things proving that even the smartest among us can be chumps of our own wishful thinking and our own timidity. No matter which Republicans may have been nice to him in the Senate, those who he worked with and schemed with to rise to the leadership of the Harvard Law Review or in the Illinois Senate, they were using him as much as he was using them.

Barack Obama is a good example of what I mentioned yesterday, the go-along-to-get-along that will go along with evil to rise in the legal profession. He was a trained lawyer, he flourished in that milieu. I have known a number of lawyers who found they couldn't stand that about their profession, a number of them went into other lines of work after trying to practice law. It was one of the biggest shocks to me to find that someone as intelligent as Obama didn't see that that was never going to work for him with the Republicans once they could make the use of his race that they would. I am virtually certain that they will use Kamala Harris's race in the same way and her gender as they used Hillary Clinton's to defeat her. Republicans can't be trusted, certainly none of those who chose to stay Republicans under Trump.

So, Mr. President, Barack Obama, I've answered that question for you. Considering the record of your presidency and how it was used by your opponents, some of them, such as your "friend" Lieberman, not officially Republicans - look at the role he is playing to try to keep the Senate in the hands of Republicans, him and his scumbag son. I am curious to see how you deal specifically with him and the two phony "moderates" of Maine but I'm really more interested in how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to be putting things together and whether or not they have learned from your mistakes.

I told my brother the day of the election that I hoped one thing it did was definitively turn the page from the Bill Clinton years. Hoping that John Podesta never had anything to do with any official Democratic campaign or the DNC (Stacy Abrahms should be put in charge of that thing.) I hope it also definitively puts at least the period to yours as well. You should stop paling around with the billionaires, the superstars and take the example of the greatest ex-president in American history, Jimmy Carter, a man who has grown out of office and who has fully earned the esteem he is held in.

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