Thursday, November 12, 2020

On General McCaffrey's List Of Where A Trump Coup Could Happen And (please let it be true) On His Faith That The Military Would Never Participate In One

The list of government entities that the Trump regime might reasonably depend on to conduct a coup against demorcracy given by General Barry McCaffrey is one I can believe,  The Attorney General (the Department of "Justice"), Homeland Security and Federal law enforcement, all of which were either emptied out of ethical people or in which those without ethics acted to bring Trump to power (James Comey) or quickly became strongholds of corruption.  

I'll never stop mentioning how many of the even anti-Trump figures in those, many an MSNBC featured ex-DoJ, ex-FBI lawyer were quickly proven wrong when they assured us their former colleagues who they worked with were totally dependable, not only them but others who assured us of the sterling character of the likes of Rod Rosenstein and that we should put our complete faith in the integrity and tenacity of Robert Mueller to do a full investigation (which he certainly did not), who stood by while his longtime friend William Barr mischaracterized to the American People and whose refusal to answer questions before the House committees of jurisdiction should always be how he is remembered.  

The incoming Biden administration needs to go after those agencies that did the worst things, "Homeland Security" "ICE" the Department of "Justice" the FBI because it is clear that they are going to remain a problem for the country and they have been full of corruption.  Frankly, I've come to distrust the judgement of lawyers with long careers in the Federal Government just as much as I have the Supreme Court.  The willful credulity of anyone who could have expressed admiration of a piece of slime like Rod Rosenstein discredits their judgement in anything.  I think lawyers and judges and "justices" are far too comfortable with overlooking the evils done by others in their profession, especially if they have had professional and personal relationships with them.   When I read that the very dubious judge of morality,  James Comey expressed private reservations about Rosenstein, saying that he'd look out for himself and his career, I had to wonder about all of the lawyers and buddies of Rosenstein and their judgement on all issues.   I mean, he's the man who promoted they rip infants away from their parents as a means of pleasing Trump and Sessions and, no doubt Steve Miller and Steve Bannon.  That is not something that would have come from nowhere, that would have had to be a part of who he was all along.

The legal profession and supposed law enforcement had better be forced to live up to the ridiculous fiction-based reputation they enjoy - the American People being total suckers for cop-shows that we are.  Once the full record of these things is released at the start of the new year I would like to see all of the figures in all of those and other departments of the government brought before the House committees of jurisdiction and, if there is a Georgia miracle, the Senate and held to answer for themselves.  Including Rosenstein and Mueller.  

And while we're at it,  I'd like to know how many other generals like the degenerate liar Anthony Tata are or recently have been maintained in the military.  There are way too many scumbags like him there for a democracy to safely maintain.

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