Friday, June 12, 2020

You Do Wonder Why Those Atheists Love Their gods To Be Stupid

The modern, materialist, atheist, god of scientism, random-chance, unlike God is a stupid god who does nothing by intent but merely by chance and accident.  God wouldn't need an infinity of un demonstrated, unknown, very likely non-existent universes to create life in this one universe in which the cosmologists say that it is vanishingly unlikely that we should be here.  God would merely need to intend for us to be in this most unlikely of places for it to happen, something that is not knowable in any scientific terms, perhaps, but, then, neither are all those jillions of universes the scientistic atheist-materialist have invented to convince themselves that there is no God when they got scared by those improbabilities that modern physics and cosmology said were there.  We know that our being here is unlikely, in so far as we can know anything scientifically in regard to that.  Even one other of those jillions of necessary universes are not know to exist except in the very biased, very pre-disposed imaginations of the atheists.  

Ol' random-chance is too stupid to really believe in except by those who turn him into a god.   And God could, if God so intended, create an infinity of universes for purposes that we would have no ability to understand or even imagine.  I'll hold that as more probable than multi-verse theory. 

You have to wonder at the common psychology of atheists that make them so want their god to be a stupid one.  Maybe so they can feel superior to him?  I'm sure ol' random-chance must be male, though they might not admit to imagining him as such.  It's such a cowboy movie name.   Movies are a god of a whole different bunch of atheists, though not generally ones who do well with numbers. 

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