Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hate Mail - Geesh, I Had To Refute That Accusation Within The Past Week Already

Sometime during the past days, watching the outrageous police-crime as documented in literally hundreds, and hundreds of videos over the past two weeks I wondered how many of the criminal-cops could recite lines that came out of Clint Eastwood's mouth in his fascist chic movie career as opposed to those who could or would be able to recite, with understanding, the prelude of the Declaration of Independence, the words of Lincoln of any codes of professional ethics which they are allegedly governed by as policemen. 

I have known policemen, I have had them in my extended family, as close as an uncle and cousins - Irish from New England, you doubt that I've got those in my family?  I know cops watch cop shows and cop movies and that the fascist chic flowing out of rich guys in Hollywood who make a living putting on makeup and dress up clothes to play pretend in front of cameras and whining about how hard their lives are are very popular with them.  It's hardly surprising that they model their behavior after Dirty Harry or others as pathological, modeling the fascist behavior of such popular movies as were mentioned by John Oliver in his show last night which you throw at me.  I've gotten whiny complaints before when I noted that this cop crime is encouraged in popular cop shows like, you know "Cops"  which started out on the racism, fascism promoting Murdoch network and migrated to the "real man" network Spike after that.   I think that was the plan, letting Murdoch in to turn the United States into a racist, fascist gang ruled paradise for his type and hell for everyone else.

Yeah, I did, I watched John Oliver's show from Sunday night,  I almost always watch John Oliver's show as it is posted online, I could probably match every point he made about the problems with the police with things I said  here and the other blogs I have written for.  Let me remind you as recently as on May 13, before the police murder of George Floyd and the world-wide Black Lives Matter demonstrations, I did that in a post which covered most of the points that John Oliver and his writing staff made.  And, I'll point out THAT WAS WHEN I WAS DEFENDING POLICE AGAINST IRRATIONAL, DOUBLE-SPEAK DEMANDS ON THEM.   I'M OFTEN FAR MORE CRITICAL OF THEM HERE QUITE OFTEN.  

I slammed the police unions, noting they are in many cases actual fascist-political entities.   I even pointed out that one of the biggest problems is that even as they are given military training and encouragement to act as warriors they are given a ridiculous range of responsibilities that should never have been given to them.

I've also said that making it more of a service profession than a para-military entity would make it a lot better and a lot safer.  Some of that might be inevitable, considering that the police, like the military, carry weapons and are expected to use them if they have to.  Otherwise, in 2020 the police still being modeled on the military is quite insane.   It's also insane that given what they're expected to do, that they are burdened with  non-essential responsibilities that pale in comparison to their public safety and crime prevention functions.  Like the public schools, the police are given an impossible range of things they're supposed to do.   If they had the resources and numbers of professionals that would be needed to really do everything that is demanded of them, the police force would have to be a lot bigger with far more resources than people want to support. 

I don't know when the first time I called for such police unions, often singling out the Boston Patrolman's Association to be abolished because they are not unions, they are promoters of police crime and impunity for it, of fascist politics, supporting some of the most racist, awful politicians. 

So, yeah, I watched John Oliver and most of what he said was familiar to me because I've been saying it for years and years.

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