Tuesday, May 5, 2020

College Credentialed And The Ass Doesn't Know How To Look Up A Word In The Dictionary

two-hander noun 

Definition of two-hander
1: something that is done with both hands
Her tennis backhands are always two-handers.
2: a play that is written to be performed by two actors.  

Merriam Webster 

And I'll point out again, the ass who doesn't know that has a degree in theater arts from an accredited university in New York but the music major from a Land Grant university in a small state knows what it means. 

Update:  And now the idiot is saying knowing the meaning of a word makes someone stupid.  You can't make up this kind of stuff, I'd never have thought to.   I never realized how many college credentialed Americans are as ignorant as that, made so by TV until I went online and read and heard the college credentialed in such numbers, directly expressing themselves.  And on which subject:

So, I'm guessing that unlike in my resource starved, rural high school, they didn't teach Orwell in the "progressive school" that graduated you in the lesser greater NYC area.  How pathetic does it get, to only get of Orwell what got filtered through Jefferson Airplane.  

But, then, your type think West Side Story is "Shakespeare" and My Fair Lady is Shaw.   

I'm guessing that because I'd imagine that CliffNotes on 1984 - the closest you seem to have gotten to reading assigned books - had already been published by your Junior year, though we read it our Freshman year.  I never bothered with CliffNotes,  more bother than just reading the book and no where near as good.  I suspect my English lit teacher would have spotted the contents of one being regurgitated on a test, though I never tried that.  She was the product of a Land Grant university, too.  And, Geesh, Orwell.  Who would read a reduced form of his writing?  I mean other than an idiot with a show-biz developed taste for the stupid and vulgar. Someone more like Trump than he'd ever want to consider. 

I understand New Jersey didn't have Regents.  Not that New York was immune from TV induced mental retardation, it has plenty of that in that generation and subsequent ones too.  Voluntary, media induced stupidity, the most dangerous and widespread form of intellectual impairment and it's entirely voluntary and entirely preventable.  

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