Friday, May 8, 2020

Blah, blah, blah - I'm beginning to think I'll stop looking at the comments altogether

Eschaton is such a has-been blog that its owner hardly bothers to post anything on it anymore, he hasn't for more than a decade.  It stopped being anything much after about 2006 as the adults fled and drifted away, the perennially adolescent geezers remained.  There are long wave radio stations that probably have more of an audience and all they want are QSL cards, which is more than the waste of time the Eschaton regulars get.  There are probably counting stations with more of a dedicated following.  There are probably blogs so long ago put on "hiatus" by their owners never to be restarted by them which have more up to date content.   Is that still a thing?  Putting a blog "on hiatus"?  

There are people who were born after Eschaton's glory months and who have successfully surpassed the jr. high mentality during the years since then,  teenagers who have achieved a level of adulthood that eludes most of the remnant Eschaton regulars, even those four and five times older than that.   There is nothing more ridiculous than a college-credentialed geezer acting like a seventh grader. 

It used to annoy me that I was being accused of antisemitism by a pathological liar there - because I called him out on a vulgar racist joke he made and which a couple of his buddies joined in on -  I quickly learned that none of those who interacted with him ever bothered to see what I'd said so I lost interest.   I'm not interested in what people who don't read what I said mistakenly believe they think about it - the rump resident Eschatots don't think much about anything, they regurgitate.  

A few, a very, very few adult level commentators go there, I suspect ever less frequently.  If they can't be bothered to find out the truth and refute his lies, they're no one I'm going to worry about too much, anymore.   

I do know that my accuser regularly steals material from here and passes it off as his own.   They say that copying is the most sincere form of flattery.  I don't have enough respect for him to feel flattered.  

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