Friday, May 10, 2019

"Awful But Lawful" Doesn't Cut It In This Age Of Shameless Treason

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.  U.S. Constitution Article 3, Section 3

We need to define and insert a crime of Presidential Treason into the Constitution.

One of the most obvious imposed weaknesses in the law of the United States facing the power grab of Trump and the Republican fascists is that idiotically insufficient definition of treason given in the Constitution.  I think it was one of the dumbest things that the Founders did apart from the anti-democratic time-bombs they inserted into the thing to enhance their own ability to amass wealth and power.  I think the continuation of that section, while expressed in terms of the innocence of the children of traitors (in itself a good point to make IF THEY ARE, IN FACT INNOCENT) it included the protection of the estates of traitors, no doubt including the ill gotten gains that could provide a motive for treason. 

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

My continuing study of the Constitution has led me to suspect that every part of it which has been exploited by the crooks and gangsters of the billionaire-millionaire class and their servants was placed there for similar purposes by the slave-owners and northern merchantile and banking crooks who wrote the thing for their own advantage. 

Now that Rudy Giuliani is openly doing what little Donald and Mr. Ivanka and Paul Manafort did during the 2016 campaign, making common cause with foreign leaders to extend the Trump regime, it's clear that they are openly practicing treason against The People of the United States.  

While the Founders definition of treason might be safe for common People, maybe even for some of the oligarchic class, when it is practiced by a presidential candidate who has dictatorial ambitions and who has shown himself to be enthusiastically ready to make common cause with the likes of Putin, the Saudi Royal Family, the ruling Israeli fascist leadership and others foreign despots, what Trump and his brats and his minions are doing must be defined as treason. 

Someone as powerful as the American president has been allowed to become is a danger to any democracy, certainly, now, under Trump and Republican-fascism, the democracy of the United States.   With Rudy Giuliani on his way to Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and others for the Trump 2020 campaign, what he is doing should be considered treason and he should end his filthy, hypocritical career in prison, his estate as well as that of the despot he serves confiscated if he dies before that action can be taken.  I doubt that anything short of that will protect us from what we are seeing happening right before our eyes. 

Update:  Personal profit is the strongest motive of a traitor.  Even if their heirs are innocent of actual treason - something I don't think most of the Trump children are - if they were to inherit the money paid to the traitor, they are enjoying the fruits of treason.  I don't think a traitor should be allowed to pass on to his chosen heirs the proceeds of treason, that ability, to leave that estate is, as well, a powerful motive for committing treason. 

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