Tuesday, September 12, 2017

It's So Unbecoming For Grown Adults To Whine "That's Not Fair!" Like A Seven Year Old - Hate Mail

You don't claim that George Bernard Shaw didn't advocate murdering huge numbers of people in large gas chambers, pretty much consigning anyone he deemed to be economically unproductive to, rightly, be murdered by the state for eugenic purposes, I suspect you checked and found out it would be pointless to claim that he didn't say that because the documentation that he not only said that then but he pretty much advocated that position over much of his public life, even up into his extreme old age is so very well documented, including in publications of his work which he, himself was involved in.

What you're saying is that some conservatives have pointed that out makes it illegitimate for me, on the American left, to also call that depravity what it was, an advocacy of Nazi policy before Nazism was invented or at least named.  Nazism wasn't a sui generis manifestation that came out of nothing in 1919, changing its name to Nazism the next year, it was just one political party which was a manifestation of ideas which had become current in Western intellectuals since the 1860s, ideas which, themselves, were part of a longer materialist line of thought but which given biological affirmation in Darwinism, grew enormously in power.  The irony of conservatives using Shaw's and others depravity from that period is that is should work a lot better for American liberalism than it does for American conservatism, though if they're going to abandon scientific racism and eugenics I can't see that as a bad thing.  If, or rather IF THEY DO SO CONSISTENTLY AND COMPLETELY. I might add that I'm not waiting up nights for that to happen.

Anyone has the right to accurately cite what anyone says as part of their argument, if the argument is invalid it has to be attacked on some other basis than that noting what someone has said, truthfully, is somehow felt to be unfair.

The idea that because he wrote some witty plays and was a goddamned Fabian (about the most putrid of the supposed socialist parties of the English speaking peoples) we're supposed to pretend he didn't say those things and that, saying it over the period of a quarter of a century even as it was becoming reality, it was meant to be comic or ironic is about as stupid an assertion as anyone has ever made and passed it off as liberalism.  Shaw was as depraved as the authors of Nazi propaganda were, that he may have been a more skilled writer and dramatist doesn't change the fact that his witty mind was as diseased and likely more than that of Ezra Pound or anyone else who supported Hitler or Stalin or Mussolini or Mao.

Advocating mass murder by the state, whether for "racial purity" or economic efficiency should be enough to get someone removed from the honor roll of lazy-assed intellectualism.  The Nazis sold the acceptance of genocide to the German people through an appeal to economic efficiency as much as they did racial purity.  In the end, even much of their racial genocide was explained in economic terms, the plan to murder Poles and other Slavic people based on the desire to steal their land was, in the most basic way, an economic plan.  I don't have any problem with anyone slamming anyone for saying things like that, no matter how much I might have smiled at their wit in the past or how many supposedly respectable people have said pretty things about them.  I don't smile at Shaw anymore. He disgusts me.  So does any modernism that is compatible with that level of depravity.  It turns my stomach as much as the sentimental Nazi era Germanic kitsch or the American Nazi yearning for the phony old South, old West or Steve Bannon's ahistorical, farcical, 19th century nostalgia for a nativist economic power house that didn't exist.  That's the TV addled  meth-addict view of history, something liberals shouldn't have anything in common with.


  1. I read a lot of Shaw in graduate school for a course, and kept the plays and bought some more. I've never read them, though, or re-read the ones I did. Shaw was an auto-didact, and his work suffers the arrogance of the self-taught (think of extremists locked in the bubble of their conspiracy theories).

    He thought himself the superior of Shakespeare. Were it not for "My Fair Lady," I think he would have long ago sunk beneath our notice. I certainly won't miss him.

    1. I remember reading somewhere that Katherine Hepburn claimed that her parents adored him in terms that I'd seen mostly reserved for revealed religion, I've read a lot of other things said, especially during his lifetime that gave him a similar status among the "secularist" intelligentsia of the pre-war period. To have the Nobel committee talk about his morality and idealism about halfway between his earliest recorded and last recorded praise of mass murder encompasses just about everything wrong with modernism as could be imagined. Even William Carlos Williams post-war defenses of Ezra Pound are reasonable as compared to it.

      It is remarkable how well regarded he is as compared to the number of productions his actual plays get. I wonder what the statistics on that would show about how well regarded he actually was.

      I got into a blog battle about constructed languages a few months ago (I've got to remember to turn off automatic notification) in which one of the bright young things went on and on about how he was going to use the Shavian alphabet for his constructed languages. It led me to look at the history of that silly effort, his alphabet is ridiculously large, tied to the common received Brit pronunciation and sufficiently different from existing orthographic systems to ensure that no one in the world is ever going to use it. He left money to promote it in his will, having his silly, trivial play Androcles and the Lion translated into it - where I'm sure it has remained unread even as compared to the English text in Roman letters - and a few grifters who wanted to cash in on it produced a few numbers of a long dead journal. That he was the most vibrant member of the Fabians (some members of whom document his enthusiasm for genocide at meetings, finding its outrageousness entertaining instead of repulsive) is no shock since, as Marilynne Robinson put it, their myriad of pamphlets and studies and speeches read as if they were printed in embalming fluid.

      Atheism is a death cult, a cult of amoral nihilism and oblivion. Even its "idealists" and "moralists" inevitably end up endorsing murder, Peter Singer might be the current best example.

  2. "Printed in embalming fluid" made me LOL.

  3. I'm sure it did. dd it get you in the mood for a hot torrid night of gay lust with your favorite bible thumper? Don't you find it the least bit odd that the book that calls for his stoning by death is the very script of fairy tales he holds to be the ultimate word of GAWD? Kind of makes you laugh, doesn't it? Now you go get your self some of that Sodom and Gemorrah action! fucking hypocrites always make me laugh, and need to be mocked for being the clueless asses you are. sad little bitches.

    1. I decided to post this comment because it's a lot more typical of the level that atheists operate at than they'd like having pointed out.

      Atheism is an anti-intellectual phenomenon in most cases, it is a bunch of angry 12-year-old boys and a few girls who don't have anything but that. Its high end, those who can write in academic language, are, by and large, old goats who resent any impediment to them having sex with their much younger students. There are a few exceptions but not that many. And a lot of them are like Shaw, venting their more pathological ideas to get attention for themselves. The exigencies of keeping your name before the public produce some of their worst crap.

    2. The internet continues to cement its reputation as the sewer outfall of human thought.

      I mean, seriously: why would you think such things, and then decide they need to be in print for all the world to read? Why embarrass yourself that way? Not to mention the homophobia; it's downright Freudian.

    3. Your point about the homophobia is spot on. It's so funny to me that the people who pose and posture as being all about LGBTQI (I'm not exactly clear on what that last one means) rights expose themselves as homophobes at the drop of an ass hat.

      I remember, probably about ten years ago, during one of P.Z. Myers' rants against a far more eminent, actual scientist who worked at Yale and whose CV of research was many times larger than P.Z.'s, asking who would have ever heard of the rage sage of the U. of Minn at Morris if he'd not started his hate blog. The question was not welcomed among those champions of free enquiry and "free thought".

      I still am amazed that people who don't believe in free thought because of their materialism are still widely called "free thinkers," their ideological position lacking even that most bottom level of intellectual integrity. Then there is the Simels-Zod level of it.

  4. When you read the work of people who actually understand the value of thought ((Brueggemann, Robinson, Kierkegaard, Niebuhr, Derrida, etc.), you soon see "free thinker" is a label people who don't think apply to themselves so they can be "smart."

    More and more I like the metaphor of the Pakleds from "Star Trek," who steal from others and think that makes them smart and strong, when they are neither. "Free thinkers" are another group of people who don't begin to imagine the limitations of their thinking, who stare in a mirror and think they are seeing the entire cosmos look back at them.

  5. Presumably this is your favorite book.


    1. And that would be your presumption because his comment named the authors Brueggemann, Robinson, Kierkegaard, Niebuhr, Derrida, etc.

      I presume you're really so stupid as to believe your presumption is anything but evidence of your stupidity and ignorance. Actually, since I know your unprofundity, that's not a presumption. It's not even an assumption. It's definite knowledge.

    2. Presumably you can read. It's a rebuttable presumption.
