Monday, August 14, 2017

"Atrios turned down a chance to be on TV!" - Hate Mail

Is there anything sadder than for a has-been blogger of 45 to be waxing nostalgically over the time, long past, when he'd get asked to be a cabloid talking head?   

I read it.   It's for want of a better word, bathetic.  I will agree with one thing he said, he's one of the friggin' laziest people on the putatively lefty blogosphere.   

I'd ignore him completely if he didn't host people who lie about me.  It's the only reason I ever mention him.  There isn't any other reason to, by his own choice.   Maybe he likes the attention.  

Update:  I can't believe this is still going on but, really, I don't care what David Derbes says, he's got the typical sci-guy's attitude to history, that it doesn't matter.    No one who still goes to Eschaton on a regular basis, now, is really interested in the truth, they go there to reinforce their prejudices.   


  1. The reason I never made it in blogging or on TV is that I still have a glorious head of hair at 48...

    1. Mine has been described as "rampant". On hair on face and in ears, as well.

      I can't imagine wanting to be on TV, especially on the cabloids. It would be like talking to Simps live.

  2. I, on the other hand, have a face made for radio.
    And a voice made for blogging.

  3. Replies
    1. "Project much" is just another way for an ignorant, TV educated, neo-Know Nothing to say, "I got nuthin'".

      I would not go on the cabloids if they paid me triple to go on it.

      Just what am I supposed to be "projecting"?
