Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Republican-fascist Putsch Against Democracy Is The Culmination Of A Long Term Project

which has been going on from well before the major milestone in that, the Republican-fascist majority on the Rehnquist Court's Bush V Gore from which two Republican appointees to the Court joined the two Democratic appointees in dissent.

Before that there were, by comparison, minor milestones set up during the previous model for the Trump presidency, that of another product of Hollywood and entertainment and the corporate media, Ronald Reagan, the previous record holder in executive branch criminality in which an empty headed product of show biz was put in the presidency to be controlled by others.   I will give Reagan this, that until his senility was full blown, probably late in his first term, he had what Trump never has had, a vestigial connection to reality.  That American democracy has been destroyed by the stupidest, AND I MEAN STUPIDEST, president in our history proves what a truly defective idea the presidential system of government is.  At least in countries with a prime-ministerial system - with a few exceptions such as Boris Johnson, the most American style of Brit-fascists - their criminal executives are at least smart. 

My conclusion, gained from forty-five years of watching this kind of operation is that it was certainly a scenario worked out as to how the corporate fascists, those in the DC area stink-tanks and guess-pools, those on the most august of Ivy level law school faculties.  It is among the most telling aspects of this how much academic respectability has been given to even the most overt of fascist scheming among the most well endowed and respected of academic whore houses.   

Along with the shame that belongs rightly to secular elite academia, I have to include the surprising number of right-wing Catholics involved in this.  Including all of the Catholics on the Supreme Court except Sotomayor.  And foremost in that and what it sows is the blatant Antichrist aspects of Catho-fascism, as is well maintained within, especially,  the American Catholic church.  A good part of that can be laid directly in the laps of John Paul II and Benedict XVI.   Not willing to go into that in the depth I want to, just now, I would say that if the recent and mandatory letter of resignation by that apparatchik of American-Catho-fascism with a broad smile, Timothy Cardinal Dolan gave on his 75th birthday is accepted by Pope Francis, it might indicate that the era of toleration of that in, at least, the Vatican may be over.  The glacial pace of action in the Vatican except when it comes to things like kicking out supporters of Womens' ordination is a direct analog to the law's delays as an aid to evil doing.  I think Francis removing him is a long shot even though I would guess he wants to replace Trump's good buddy in St. Patrick's, the speed with which Dolan may be retired will be an indication of the strength of the reaction of the Vatican against Trumpian fascism.  Some of the recent appointments of Francis are a step in that direction, especially his appointment of Cardinal Robert McElroy to DC, but far more and far more drastic action is needed.   Everyone should be supporting Bishop Buddee. 

I don't think there's any likelihood of a similar sign in the form of forced retirements of even the most wacky of neo-fascists, some of them clearly insane Catho-fascists at Harvard or Yale or Princeton Law is going to happen.   And a number of those, especially at Harvard Law are, truly and clearly nuts in addition to being criminally insane.   American academia, from top to bottom is in a eutrophic stage of decadence.

The seeming speed with which democracy is being wrecked in the past several weeks is an illusion, this is a project which has been planned for decades with the funding of overtly fascist millionaires and billionaires and they haven't been keeping it all that much under wraps.  One of the things they have used most effectively is the lazy, slow, courtly, delay of the law, the courtesies of the old-boy network among the various elites, that of the law among the most corrupt.  I have mentioned several times over the past nineteen years that the lawyers and judges deputed to be "liberal" who supported the appointment of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court was a major eye-opening event to me.   I wish that any of those surviving traitors to democracy who are still alive would be harassed with the words they put into the record of his confirmation hearings which have proved to be grotesquely and entirely predictably false as opposed to the record of those who opposed his nomination at the time.  I will bet that not one of those lawyerly-liarly liberals has ever had to answer for that and I wouldn't be surprised if not one of them would express regrets about it today.  

I will admit that there are American conservatives, ex-Republicans who have rather belatedly stepped up, now that those of us who foresaw this coming have proven to be right.   That it took the insurrection and the ongoing criminality ENTIRELY ENABLED AND PERMITTED BY THE LAWYERS AND JUDGES AND, ESPECIALLY, "jUSTICES" to finally open their eyes makes me wonder how they thought of the many and often rather major milestones to the Trumpzi putsch as those happened.  Liz Cheney seems to have needed the insurrection to finally, finally open her eyes to the actual nature of her party and what it has been on track to do since the Reagan years, certainly since the Gingrichization of her party.   I wonder if there had not been an insurrection if she would be sitting in the Republican caucus of the House right now and voting in lock-step as her once colleagues, many of them deputed to be more "moderate" than she was.  Maybe I'm wrong about her.  I don't think I could go so far as to ignore the role her father has played in the destruction of American democracy.  The Bush II regime was, from the start of it, a major blow to democracy, including his Supreme Court picks.

I don't have to wonder about Susan Collins who I have been telling Mainers was a complete and utter fraud since before she gained public office.  Her entire stock and trade is doing what the late Harry Reid noted, that you could count on her to do the right thing but only when it wouldn't matter.   Her career as a public figure was in supporting the worst of Republican-fascism and criminality WHILE PLAYING DUMB, EXPRESSING HER "SURPRISE" HER "CONCERN" WHILE ENABLING IT ALL ALONG.   Anyone asking how Mainers could be so stupid as to return her to office over and over again as she does her threadbare dummy act might use the corruption of the wall-to-wall Republican owned electronic media in my state, including "Maine Public."   I doubt there is a sitting member of the Republican-caucus of the Congress today who will have a Cheney style conversion but if I suspected such a thing were going to happen,  Susan Collins is one who you can count on not to have such a conversion.  She's been all-in on it all along.  And if she did make a pose of that you would know that all is lost because she would only do so if it would have absolutely no effect in delaying the complete death of democracy.   She, as Olympia Snowe before her, are and have always been total frauds.  

These are just some random thoughts I'll have more to say soon, I hope.  I can say that my injuries mentioned here the other day are more serious than I'd thought, probably will need surgery if I'm to get back much use of my right arm.   I have, though, found a position from which I can type with pretty close to the facility I could before my fall.

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