Saturday, February 19, 2022

I Say This With Actual Malice But Everything I'm Saying Is True

SARAH PALIN'S SUIT against the New York Times being thrown out disappointed me because I was hoping the Republican-fascists on the Supreme Court might use an appeal of her winning it as a means of doing what several of those idiots have hinted at, changing the idiotic standard of "actual malice" being show by "public figures" before they could sue media organizations and others who libel and slander them in the mass media.  

I said at the time that I was hoping they would change the standard of the Sullivan decision that allowed the New York Times and Fox and NewsMax, etc. to lie about Democrats with impunity as they aided and abetted the rise of the Republicans and then the Republican-fascist domination of our politics and legal lives.  

I said that my dream was for Hillary Clinton to sue all of those who had lied about her, to become, as a result, the richest woman in the universe as a means of defunding the Republican-fascist right.  Donald Trump, possibly Sarah Palin, certainly FOX etc, would be vulnerable on that count.   If liberals can be stupid about what they hope for, Republican-fascists are even stupider to start with.

Her teasing hint that she might be willing to try to sue FOX on the basis of "actual malice" is justified but such a successful suit wouldn't be enough.   Crooks and Liars said, starting with a quote from Hillary Clinton,

"By the way, they've been coming after me again lately, in case you might have noticed. It’s funny: the more trouble Trump gets into, the wilder the charges and conspiracy theories about me seem to get. So now, his accountants have fired him and investigations draw closer to him and right on cue, the noise machine gets turned up, doesn't it"

"Fox leads the charge with accusations against me, counting on their audience to fall for it again. And as an aside, they're getting awfully close to actual malice in their attacks. But as I said, don't get distracted. Don't let the extremes of any or either side throw us off course. Focus on the solutions that matter to voters, not the slogans that only matter on Twitter."

“Actual malice,” of course, is the high bar a public figure must clear for a successful defamation suit against a news organization. Fox loved Sarah Palin’s loser lawsuit against the New York Times. The network pundits made it clear they hope she appeals her case to the Supreme Court, in the hope the standard will be lowered – and, presumably, conservatives can take down “liberal media” outlets more easily.

I can’t think of a more poetic justice than Hillary Clinton beating them to the punch and without having to weaken the standard. That is, if Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic don’t get there first.

For crying out loud.  THAT THERE IS ANY QUESTION HILLARY CLINTON, a woman who has been the victim of what is probably the longest sustained and most wide spread lie campaign in American political history,  IS NOT THE VICTIM OF ACTUAL MALICE FROM FOX proves that the "actual malice" standard is a carte blanche for the media to do that to anyone who they find it in their interest, their profit to lie about IS A DANGER TO DEMOCRACY.

If the entire media, from the allegedly liberal New York Times and NPR down to the gutter levels of FOX and below didn't lie about her, we would never have gotten Donald Trump.  If the media hadn't been able to profitably and safely lie about Al Gore we'd never have had George W. Bush.   If they hadn't been able to lie about Howard Dean, Michael Dukakis, going back to Hubert Humphrey we wouldn't have had a line of some of the worst presidents in our history.   We would never have had the likes of Newt Gingrich, Denny Hastert and Kevin McCarthy in charge of the House, Trent Lott and Mitch McConnell in charge of the Senate, we wouldn't have a Republican-fascist majority on the Supreme Court.

The media, even the semi-aware media such as I might quote positively on other issues, have a vested interest in being able to carry lies with impunity.   The better media would carry those unintended, through their lapses in fact checking and care with the truth BUT THE VERY SAME VEHICLE FOR THAT WHICH PROTECTS THEM PROTECTS THE INTENTIONAL LIARS IN THE FASCIST MEDIA.   

I have pointed out before that I think there is speech and press which has no actual right to be expressed, especially lies.  There is no rational case to be made that there is a right to lie, especially with the human experience that lies are more easily told than the truth, that the truth is constrained by having to be true, lies can be constructed and told without that constraint.  LIES CAN BE CONSTRUCTED THAT APPEAL TO OUR WORST WEAKNESSES AND, AS A RESULT ARE FAR MORE EASY TO SELL TO THE PUBLIC THAN DIFFICULT OR HARD TRUTH.   The answer that lies are driven out by "more speech" ignores that fact AND THE FACT THAT LIES CAN BE SOLD WITH "MORE LIES" AND THAT THE BILLIONAIRE AND MILLIONAIRE SPONSORS OF LIES CAN FINANCE THAT "MORE LIES" whereas the truth is often begging for sponsorship.  

The mid-20th century slogans of the ACLU, the "civil liberties" industry (largely financed by big media) have all been given a real test of time in reality and they are, themselves, lies, lies sold on their surface appeal to gullible and gulled liberals who irrationally believe that continuing what has brought us to Republican-fascism will magically turn around and start winning for us.   In the wake of the Trump fiasco WITH THE RETURN OF THAT LOOMING WITH HIM OR SOME OTHER PIECE OF CRAP LIKE DESANTIS AT THE LEAD OF IT IT IS ABOUT TO RETURN, that delusion is one of our worst self-imposed guarantees of defeat. 

I have pointed out a number of rather clueless and unwise and counterproductive Supreme Court rulings of the past in recent posts.  There were none more clueless than the Sullivan Decision for all of those reasons I stated above.  It's time that the self-defined opponents to Republican-fascism and Republican-fascist media admit that this thing they value so highly for self-interested reasons has been the foremost vehicle of lying the country into Republican-fascism.  Republicans who are appalled at the fascist tilt of their party will go so far as to admit that it all was done with lies, those lies didn't just happen on their own, the Warren Court gave them power and permission to be told.  Subsequent Courts, from Berger to Rehnquist to Roberts, in control of increasing and now majority Republican-fascist control have built on it and made it far worse, even leaving the country vulnerable to dirty election money from foreign as well as our own billionaire gangsters, crooks, liars and dictators. 

Hate Mail - This Is My Last Word On That Book

I HAVE NEVER CLAIMED that all Poles were innocent of crimes committed against Jews during the Nazi occupation of Poland, so that's a lie.  It would be as stupid to claim that as to claim there were no Germans who were anti-Nazi and who helped Jews hide or escape from murder by the Nazis.  There is no country that was occupied by the Nazis that didn't have collaborators, there is no group, including Jews and Poles, which didn't have people who collaborated with them.  Maus doesn't handle that topic well, at all. *

What I criticized Art Spiegelman for doing was to characterize 35 million people as "pigs" in Maus, something which, apparently is a "lesson" taught when incompetent, ignorant and, perhaps, bigoted teachers teach the book as if it is what it is not, accurate history.   It's especially fraught a decision on his part as the Nazis often referred to the Poles AND JEWS as "pigs."  While I know enough about pigs to know it's a rather stupid insult, they being capable of being rather pleasant animals, that's not how it's meant when People call other People "pigs."  To use such a crude and Nazi-like depiction of an entire group of People in a book that has rather insanely gotten the Grade A stamp of virtue is a symptom of deep problems with our whole notion of such virtue.

I totally reject that kind of group-guilt, the characterization of groups of people, small or large, by the kinds of stereotypes and prejudicial characterizations that such books (and movies, TV shows and plays) inevitably use.  

Only the People who are guilty of crimes and sins are guilty of them, People who didn't commit crimes and sins aren't guilty of the crimes and sins that other People commit. Many Poles risked and gave their lives to save Jews during the Nazi occupation, as I've pointed out here before, in the list of the Virtuous Among The Nations at Yad Vashem, the largest group, by country, are  Poles, some of whom sacrificed their lives and even the lives of their entire family who were murdered by the Nazis because they hid Jews.

Stereotyping of biological groupings of People is the very basis of Nazi thinking as it is any other human application of the pseudo-scientific theory of natural selection.  The modern form of that began almost immediately upon the publication of On the Origin of Species, which was enthusiastically taken up by the mainstream of racism - keeping in mind that whenever the word "race" is used it is extremely important to understand how the person using it understood that dangerously slippery term. 

In Germany that use which turned into Nazism just under seventy years later began in a big way in the 1860s with the publications of Ernst Haeckel, the first and foremost promoter of the theory of natural selection in the German language with the complete and enthusiastic support of Charles Darwin who was entirely familiar with his work and which he endorsed fully, both in letters to Haeckel and in his second major scientific work The Descent of Man.  Which is why I pointed out that to understand the application of that theory in Nazism you had to first admit the fact that that is what it was based on.   And, from the start, people such as Haeckel, as Darwin's closest English disciple, Thomas Huxley and Darwin himself started talking about ethnic, racial and other groupings in terms of their purported inequality and not only extermination through natural attrition but by human murder.   I've documented that in their own words, over and over again here, search for their names in my archives, I always give citations and when available to primary sources, links.

The stereotyping of humans on the basis of anything from somewhat valid to totally unscientific classification** as if different groupings of human beings were different species was the basis of the Nazis mass murder, the reason that they could mark a group as intimately biologically tied in with the German population as the neighboring Poles and Jews for extermination.   Biologically it is as irrational as Darwin's characterizations of worthy Scots as he characterized their closest biological cousins, the Irish in terms of their imagined biological depravity. 

The literature of Darwinism is full to the top of racist, ethnic, class and gender bigotry presented as science.   One of the landmarks in the current resurgence of legal and political racism in the United States was The Bell Curve, which is certainly a part of the same literature.   Natural selection is such a strong superstition within science that it allowed the obvious, blatant antisemitism of Kevin MacDonald and some of his credentialed, employed, even honored colleagues to go unremarked for decades before his work became known to the wider public through his testimony on behalf of the neo-Nazi racist David Irving, whose work, also, was accepted within academia, though that was due mostly to incompetence by a number of his well regarded, well-credentialed colleagues who never checked his citations and sources. 

The incompetence of the teaching of Maus as history is a problem, I don't blame Poles for protesting against that at all.   It is a question of the book doing exactly what anyone picking it up and reading it has a right to expect it not to do, classifying an entire group of millions of People based on a selective presentation of the sins of some People.   It was exactly the same tactic that is always used by those who want to denigrate and attack and use other groups of People.  And a lot of teachers, ignorant, not careful with fact, stupid enough to mistake a comic novel for a history book, perhaps desperate to get TV and movie and internet addled brats to pay attention and so going with something as facile as an anthropomorphic comic presentation of stereotyping promote the prejudices of the comic artist.  

I have pointed out that that use of group characterization is, ironically, typical of Nazi thinking.  I stand by that entirely.   It is an irony that a book held up to be a weapon against Nazi thinking should promote that kind of thinking.   It is even more of an irony that teachers who believe they are virtuously and dutifully teaching against that kind of bigoted thinking are, in fact, teaching it. 

*  Here's an example at, God help us, an alleged online resource, goddamned comment driven BS,  intended for, apparently, teachers and students dealing with the topic of collaborators within death camps to get a better grade on the test.

7. What is a Kapo, and how does Vladek build up a relationship with his Kapo? How does Vladek benefit from this??

Answered by jill d #170087 9 years ago 3/13/2013 1:42 PM

Vladek's Kapo

A "kapo" is a Polish supervisor at a concentration camp. Soon after Vladek arrives at Auschwitz, Vladek's kapo asks the Jews in the barracks if anyone there can speak English. Vladek volunteers, and the kapo takes him on as a tutor. He keeps Vladek safe in the quarantine block for as long as he can, and he provides him with extra food and clothing. Ultimately, Vladek must start working, and the kapo helps Vladek find work as a tinsmith, since skilled laborers get better treatment.

Answered by BOB G #501290 6 years ago 2/11/2016 9:32 AM

"Kapos" weren´t Polish supervisors in german concentration camps. They were simply supervisors made up of prisoners from the camp so in the case of Auschwitz many if not most of the "Kapos" would be jewish. It´s this type of historical inacuracies.. many times deliberate lies that frustrate me. Read something else than just Maus and learn about the truth.

There are worse examples given in some papers but I haven't had time to check to see if I find their citations to check them.  

**  I'd better point out that it's the classification that is, only sometimes, valid, NOT THE RANKING OF THEM IN TERMS OF VALUE.   

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Corrupt Actions Of The Supreme Court Depend On People Not Knowing What They Did And Why It Was Obviously Going To Produce Corruption

AS I HAD FEARED not many people read the last, very long passage from Louis Boudin which I posted here the other day, which is too bad because as Boudin said, 

We have quoted Mr. Abbot's Memorandum at this length because we believe it to be the most perfect modern instance of a naive repetition of Marshall’s original simple argument. 

though I suspect that the subsequent 90 years of legal and judicial babble, not to mention the nonsense coming out of pop-history, fiction and show biz, might have produced even more perfect double-speak and dishonest examples relevant to this issue. 

The next section, which I will spend several days or a week on, the Legal Tender cases are especially important because they show conclusively that the claims that what the Supreme Court does when it claims the power to overturn legislation because it violates the Constitution is a blatant lie.  

This is important because even worse than those examples or, probably, any available to Louis Boudin - other than the infamous Dred Scott and Plessy vs Ferguson - Citizens United and the other rulings that Republican-fascists on the court have made are even more flagrant lies based on the same assertions.  The recent rulings that overturn Roe vs Wade and the Voting Rights Act are among the worst in the often sordid history of the Supreme Court, the Roberts Court captured by the Federalist Society, as Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has proven, using a roadmap supplied by the genteel segregationist Lewis Powell on behalf of oligarchs is racking up the most outrageous record of anti-egalitarian, anti-democratic rulings that now attack even the Vote itself, we face either the entire rejection of this Court-created power for itself, what the fascists on the Court are using to destroy democracy or we face what they are producing with it, oligarchic, one-party rule. 

We'll see if you think that's an outrageous claim after a year or so of further rulings from it.  I'm not afraid at all that I'll be found to be alarmist, I'm afraid of what I'm sure is coming.

We Need A Laxative To Pass The Olympics Movement Out Of Our System

THE CHILD ABUSE that was on full display to the entire world, what happened to THE CHILD, Kamila Valieva, has to stand as an indictment of the Olympics establishment from top to bottom.   If she, a 15 year old child, can survive emotionally or physically after what happened to her over the last two weeks, ON FULL DISPLAY TO THE WORLD . what was done to her by them should lead to the destruction of the so-called "Olympics movement" which is actually a band of gangsters. 

When  Olympics fever struck the financial and political elite of Boston  to get the Summer Olympics for 2024 and the more serious and focused members of the government and many critics of the bid outside of government exposed what those crooks running the Olympics demanded of "host citites," an outrageous list of demands, including potentially ruinous guarantees demanded putting the public holding the bag for them and outrageous perks for the gangsters who run the thing.  Eventually the polls that reflected the irrational mania that the "Olympics Movement" runs its grifts on turned as the People of Boston found out the same things I did, those turned against it and the gangsters pulled out of the scheme.  I've never been a big fan of the Olympics, after finding out what the bunch of spoiled royals the gang of grifters and crooks who run it are demanding, I have hated it. 

And on top of the incredible abuse that was on display to the world yesterday, thousands of other abuses, there is the collusion between the Olympics Committees and some of the worst governments in the world.   Putin's dictatorship, the Chinese Communist government, . . . the Nazi regime.

It's time for what's left of democracy to dump the Olympics Movement bull shit and either lay down some ultimatums to them cleaning the criminal enterprise up or to mount honest games, with uniform rules against the abuse of athletes,  BASED IN PERMANENT FACILITIES in long standing democracies that are not likely to lose that distinction.  I would not think the United States would figure in that category based on what's happened here since five Republicans handed an election to the loser of their party in 2000.  Though, perhaps, the infamy of losing such a status might be useful to curbing the native fascist-white supremacist inclinations of our pop-culture and, so, our politics.

The Olympics is as crooked as any individual sport has been, professional boxing and its relationship with organized crime, international football, American football.  Only the absurd piety that has been mounted around it has turned the Olympics into a secular, materialist religious event which is not allowed to be criticized, more so than even the religious religious entities are fully open to criticism and investigation by the same media that would never question the Olympics which, as we have seen in the scandal imposed on a 15 year old girl by her coaches, the program she was controlled by and the Olympics establishment who should be investigated for financial collusion in their outrageous decision to allow her to compete when they have so flagrantly set up a double standard on that. 

As it is, Kamila Valieva is just another sacrificial victim to the Olympics god of money and nationalism and the idol that sports generally turns into.  She will be chewed up and spit out, no matter what her talents are, the Olympics is a monster just as the idol of Baal is held to be in the Scriptures.   That torch can count as the flames in which children are sacrificed, ruinous debts imposed on "host cities." The language of parasitism in that phrase should be taken seriously.  Some of the worst dictators have mounted some of their most effective propaganda under its light.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thursday Daytime Standard Extra - Sheila Jordan - You Must Believe In Spring


Direct link to video 

Sheila Jordan · 

E.S.P. Trio

Robert Cipelli

Atillio Zanchi

Giannini Cazzola

Paulo Frescu, trumpet

Other than Paulo Frescu I'm not familiar with the musicians so I don't know what they play.   If what I find about this album online is accurate, this was recorded either when Sheila Jordan was about 87 or 77, either way her singing is great.  I've heard lots of singers whose voices had faded still going on, which I've got no problem with if people want to hear them.  Few if any have gone on with so much voice left and have done so much with what's still there.  Looking at her website, she's still scheduling performances and workshops at 93.   She was and is a wonderful singer and performer and inspiration. 

Didn't want to wait till Monday to post it.

By this time, the reader has probably guessed that there is no such express provision in the New York State Constitution as Mr. Abbot’s opening statement of facts would lead an uninitiated layman to assume

THIS NEXT SECTION of Louis Boudin's text uses a long passage from a rather tedious paper by a lawyer trained in the 19th century to make some rather simple points about the business of Supreme Courts overturning legislation and making other such pronouncements as we are now used to Supreme Courts making, so used to it that we don't question their legitimacy or danger.  Among those points are

- That there are lawyers, scholars of the law, judges and "justices" as eminent or more eminent than those who are making such pronouncments from the Supreme Courts who are on record - with their own view of the evidence and facts, etc. which come to another, sometimes the opposite conclusion.   This happens all the time ON  the U. S. Supreme Court when some of its stupider members write opinions which are reasonably and soundly thrashed by the dissent of the losing side, yet the desired outcome of the five or six or, occasionally, more of the "justices" is what rules.

- That because of this the decisions of the Court are not a logical necessity of the facts and law in front of them BUT ARE MORE AND NOT LESS AN EXPRESSION OF THE PREFERENCES OF THE "justices".  

-  That the expansion of, at least in the U. S. Constitution, unspecified powers given under the Constitution to the Supreme Court, had even at that time grown far, far beyond the powers claimed by John Marshall in the legendary Marbury vs Madison case.   I would expect that with the outrageous acts of, for example, the Rehnquist court and now the Roberts Courts, Louis Boudin might have shown that they have gone beyond what was claimed for it by the paper he cites.  

Note:  All of the bold text is Louis Boudin's, the passages of the paper cited by him are bold and in italics.

Before proceeding, however, to an examination of the historic development of the Judicial Power from its comparatively small beginnings to its present commanding position, we shall discuss here two cases as illustrative of the intricacy of the subject and of its real meaning in the life of our nation. These cases will show, on the one hand, that even in its simple form, the thing is not quite so simple as it might seem to the uninitiated who may read Marshall’s logical exposition, and as it may have seemed to Marshall himself — at least, not so simple in practice as it may seem in theory. And, on the other hand, these cases will illustrate the difference between the right of a judge to obey the written dictates of the Constitution in preference to a legislative act, modestly asked for by Wilson and Marshall, and the great governmental agency pervading and controlling every department of our life which that modest power has since become.

The two cases in question are connected with two epochal events in the history of the Judicial Power and of its literature. One is the famous Legal Tender case, or series of cases. The Legal Tender decisions are one of the greatest events in the history of the Judicial Power in this country, as well as in the history of the country itself. In addition, the last of them is the starting point of the modern literature of our subject. The second
case was of no such importance either in the history of the Judicial Power or in the life of the country; in fact, it was of no consequence whatever in either, so that its name is probably unfamiliar to all but a few of the closest students of the subject. But it was lifted from obscurity by the committee of the New York Bar Association appointed to consider our subject, to which we have already alluded.  It also deserves attention in itself, for it is admirably suited for the purpose of illustrating the point we have in mind, which is, that when a lawyer speaks of two written texts as contradicting one another, it does not necessarily mean that they actually contradict each other in the ordinary sense in which laymen understand the word “contradict.” What it usually means is, that an astute logician, particularly if he is given to medieval, scholastic reasoning, may find a contradiction between
them. We do not mean to say that it always means just that, but only that it frequently means only that and nothing more. Therefore, when the judiciary is given the power to declare a law unconstitutional whenever the judges think that the law is repugnant to the constitution, it actually means that the judiciary is given the
power to declare null and void any law, important or unimportant, whenever the particular judges who have the last say in the matter, or a majority of them, may find, by some scholastic method of abstruse legalistic logic, that the law is not in consonance with the constitution. On the other hand, the better known case will illustrate the fact that what is sometimes called by the judges a contradiction between an act of the legislature and the constitution, means in reality a contradiction between the law in question and what ought to be in a good constitution — that is to say, in a constitution embodying the particular political, social, and economic beliefs of the judges deciding the case.

We shall begin with a consideration of the less famous case.

In a separate concurring memorandum prepared by Mr. Everett V. Abbot, one of the members of the Special Committee of the New York State Bar Association, included in the first section of its report (the other members of the committee agreeing), Mr. Abbot undertakes to illustrate the subject under consideration by
a discussion of the case of Lewkovncz v. Queen Aeroplane Co,, decided by the New York Court of Appeals in 1913, and reported in 207 N.Y. 290. The principal part of this Memorandum is as follows:

“By the constitution of this State, adopted by direct vote of the people in 1894, the jurisdiction of the City Court of the city of New York was limited to the sum of $2,000. That is to say, the court was not authorized to render a money judgment for more than that amount, exclusive of interest and costs,

“In response to a considerable popular demand, the legislature of this State by Laws 1911, chapter 569, enacted that the jurisdiction of the court should be enlarged to the sum of $5,000.

“The Court of Appeals in the case cited, held that a judgment for $4,316, or more than $2,000 interest and costs, was void.

“On this state of facts four questions arise. The first is as follows:

“1. Which of these two written enactments, the constitution or the statute, represents the will of the people?

“The constitutional enactment was adopted by a direct vote of the people. It was contained in an instrument which prescribed that the only method of modifying it was by another direct vote of the people. The same instrument established the legislature of the State and conferred upon it certain powers of a legislative character, but it conferred no power to amend or repeal the instrument itself. The real will of the people was, therefore, that the
jurisdiction of the City Court should be limited to $2,000, and that it should not be enlarged beyond that sum save by their personal will again to be manifested by their personal ballots. Consequently, when the legislature undertook to enlarge the jurisdiction of the court by statutory enactment, it was flying in the face of the only authentic expression of the people's will which was then extant. Notwithstanding any change which might have
popular sentiment, the time had not then come when the people wished their new views to be made effective by
any other agency than their own votes.

We have now made a long step forward in understanding our subject. We have learned that in each case in which the constitutionality of a statute is involved, it is the constitution, and not the statute, which represents the will of the people, and that when a court finds a statute unconstitutional, that is, in conflict with the constitution, it is in reality following the people's will, not defying it; enforcing the people's will and not aiding it to be defeated.

“The next question is this:

“2. If the constitution was the only authentic expression of the will of the people, what was the effect of the

“This question almost answers itself. The legislature of tho State of New York was not vested with power to alter the constitution in any particular. That function the people reserved to themselves, and they declared that it could not be exercised save by their own direct vote. Any attempt therefore by the legislature to repeal or amend the constitution in any particular would be futile. It would have no effect. It would be a blow in the air. It would not be the law, and could never attain the status of a law. When, therefore, the legislature assumed to confer upon the City Court a jurisdiction which was denied to that court by the constitution, its enactment was unavailing. It did not confer an enlarged jurisdiction. Before the statute was enacted, and after the statute was enacted, the jurisdiction remained fixed at the sum of $2,000. In technical language, the statute was a nullity, and the City Court never acquired jurisdiction to enter a judgment in excess of $2,000.

“We are all too prone to forget that in our country the legislature is a body of strictly limited powers. Its jurisdiction is narrowly circumscribed by the written constitutions which are in force in the several States and in the Union as a whole. When, therefore, a legislature attempts to act in excess of its powers, it does not have the authority of the people behind it. It does not express their will, and its act is not the authoritative act of their agent. If the time shall ever come when our people shall repose unlimited confidence in any legislature, and shall wish to confer upon it the power to repeal or modify their own direct enactments, it will be possible for the people to carry out their wish; but they can only do so by removing limitations which they themselves
have imposed. They must set the legislature free by such constitutional provisions as have never yet been adopted or even conceived.

“The third question is this:

“3. Assuming that the statute did not repeal the constitution, what must a court do in a case in which the
statute is involved?

“The people of the State of New York have said that a judgment of the City Court of the City of New York in excess of $2,000 shall not be valid. The legislature of the State of New York, acting in excess of its powers, has said that such a judgment shall be valid. We have seen that this declaration by the legislature was of no effect. It did not enlarge the jurisdiction of the court, no warrant except that statute is necessarily void. Such a judgment will afford protection to nobody who acts under it. If, for example, the sheriff should undertake to levy on the defendant's property in an effort to satisfy it, he would be liable for trespass. His only warrant of authority for taking the defendant’s property would be the judgment, and the execution issued under it, and they would be null and void. So, too, if a suit were brought on the judgment in a foreign state, for example, in the State of New Jersey or in England, and the defendant should by proper plea dispute its validity, the foreign court would be necessarily constrained to acknowledge that it was null and void because entered without jurisdiction, and, therefore, it would refuse to allow it any validity in the foreign territory.

“This duty to regard the judgment as invalid would not be
confined to the sheriff or to the foreign court. It would extend to every person to whom the question should be presented. When, therefore, the Court of Appeals of the State of New York on a direct appeal from such a judgment was confronted with the question whether the judgment was valid, it had no choice. A decision that the judgment was valid would involve an adjudication that the legislature of the State of New York has the power to repeal a constitution which the people of that State have adopted by their direct vote and which they have further declared shall not be repealed save by another direct vote. The court could not render such a decision without violating its judicial oath. Its clear duty, therefore, was to declare the invalidity of the judgment of the City Court.

‘We now come to the fourth and last question:

“4. What was the effect on the statute itself of an adjudication that the jurisdiction of the City Court had not
been enlarged, and that a judgment for $4,316 was void as entered without jurisdiction?

“It is in the answer to this question that most of the confusion which now surrounds the question referred to this committee has taken its origin.

There has been a confused notion that a court in adjudging that a statute is unconstitutional somehow interferes with the powers of a co-ordinate branch of the government, and exercises a nullifying influence upon its acts. This is utterly erroneous. The court does nothing of the kind. It does not veto the enactment. It does not annul the statute. It does not take away any validity or quality that the statute may possess. It does not usurp any
function which does not belong to it. It does not exercise any power that is not judicial. In the routine course of business the Court of Appeals was confronted with the question whether or not a judgment of the City Court was within its jurisdiction. In the fulfillment of its duty, it found that the inquiry was carried back to the ulterior question whether the legislature could repeal the constitution and could confer a jurisdiction which the constitution denied. In announcing a negative answer to this question, the court did no affirmative act. It merely refused to recognize validity in a statute which never had validity. It no more annulled or vetoed an act of the legislature than in the ordinary case it revokes or restricts the authority of an agent when it adjudges that he has acted without authority.

“Now we can see the fundamental misconception which underlies the views of those who are disturbed because a court declares that a statute is unconstitutional. They think that the court has exercised some mysterious function which is not confided to it and which invades the function of another branch of the government. The view is radically erroneous. The man who can, even by inadvertence, use such a phrase as 'the veto power of the court,' "judicial annulment of legislative acts,' ‘judicial power over statutes,' ‘judicial control of the legislature,' convicts himself of ignorance of the rudimentary principles of the matter under discussion. He had not learned even the alphabet of the language which he uses.

“The principle is simple: When a legislature has exceeded its powers, its act has never attained the status of a law. The court in declaring the unconstitutionality of such an act has merely refrained from fictitiously giving it a validity which it never possessed and which the people have denied. The court has done nothing to the act itself."

We have quoted Mr. Abbot's Memorandum at this length because we believe it to be the most perfect modern instance of a naive repetition of Marshall’s original simple argument. Only one question can arise after reading Mr. Abbot’s Memorandum, namely: How is it that the legislature of the State of New York could have passed a law enlarging the jurisdiction of the City Court to $5,000 when the State Constitution expressly limited this jurisdiction to the sum of $2,000? To say that was done “in response to a considerable popular demand” does not seem to meet the situation. In the first place, why should there be a “considerable popular demand" that the legislature should override the constitution, since the matter would seem to be rather unimportant and one in which few except lawyers were likely to be interested. And if, for some mysterious reason, there should be such a popular demand, why should the legislature, consisting mostly of lawyers, have succumbed to it? And further reflection makes this action on the part of people and legislature even more inexplicable. The Constitution of the State of New York, unlike the United States Constitution, is easily amendable, and amendments to it are submitted almost regularly at every election on all kinds of topics, important and unimportant. The legislature could, therefore, have easily satisfied the “considerable popular demand” by submitting the matter as a constitutional amendment in the usual course of business. 

I will break in here to note the legal slight of hand in, on the one hand using "the will of the people" in voting on proposed Constitutional Amendments, of which most voters probably have little to no knowledge as they mark their temporarily believed preferences, yes or no, on a ballot, which is supposed to be all important but, then, the matter of "considerable poplar demand" of the public sufficiently aroused and caring about some issue or another is deemed to make the legislative branch the kind of danger that seems to have made the aristocrats framing the Constitution get the vapors about representative government of, by and for, The People.  This is typical of lawyerly reasoning in matters such as this.  How could what is held to be all important become something to be avoided.  The answer depends, of course, on what the desired outcome of the "justices" and law scholars demands.  Which in itself shows you how dangerous it is.

Especially absurd is an unelected, life-time appointed, impossible to remove group of lawyers who are answerable to no one pretending that they have such concerns about the elected, answerable-to-the-people legislators being the ones who are a danger to the "will of the voters."   That, alone, should expose what a fraud this is.

And the puzzle becomes even more puzzling after we add something to the statement of facts contained in Mr. Abbot’s Memorandum. The statement of facts was simplified by Mr. Abbot by leaving out some data which evidently seemed immaterial to him, but which we consider rather important. One of these is the fact that the law had been held constitutional by the Judge of the City Court before whom it first came up for consideration, and also by the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court, consisting of three judges, before whom the question came up on appeal. Whatever may be said of the members of the legislature as to their likelihood to succumb to “popular demand,” surely no such imputation could be made against the judiciary; for if it could, then our whole structure of constitutional limitations would be toppling over like a house of cards.

It should be added, in this connection, that at least two of the judges who wrote opinions in favor of the constitutionality of this law were eminent jurists. One of them was Mr. Justice Samuel Seabury, afterward himself a member of the Court of Appeals which ultimately held this law to be unconstitutional; and another was Mr. Justice Irving Lehman, now a member of that same Court of Appeals. It may also be noted, in passing, that Mr.
Justice Samuel Seabury is somewhat of a specialist on the subject of the City Court, having written a very learned work about that court, of which he was himself at one time a member. The principal opinion upholding the constitutionality of the law in question, written by Justice Seabury, is a very learned and exhaustive essay on the subject. How is it—one must ask—that these learned Justices overlooked the provision of the Constitution limiting the jurisdiction of the City Court to $2,000? 

I withheld my objections to the typical slamming of medieval logical discourse made by Louis Boudin, I suspect that as learned as he was in his area of expertise, he had little more than the common received prejudices of the college and university credentialed class of his time on which to base his low opinion of it.  While opportunistic lapses of complete consideration, as in Everett V. Abott's burying of inconvenient fact, have occurred throughout the entire history of rational discourse, I don't think the legal thinking of his time or ours would stand well next to a lot of the best medieval discourse in a contest of integrity.  It's certainly the habit of the legal profession.  

We need not enter here upon a discussion of the subject itself, i.e., whether Mr. Justice Seabury and his associates were right in holding the law constitutional, or the Court of Appeals in holding it unconstitutional; although we do not at all mind saying that, for ourselves, we believe that Mr. Justice Seabury had the better of the argument. But that is beside the point. For the purpose of this discussion we are quite willing to assume that Mr. Justice Seabury was wrong and the Court of Appeals right. The real question is: How could there be a difference of opinion on the subject at all?

From Mr. Abbot’s statement of facts, at least, one is obliged to assume that there is no room for any difference of opinion, or anything to argue about. The answer is: That in discussing this subject, one need not take such statements as “the constitution says” or “the constitution provides” too literally. What it actually means is that in the opinion of the writer, usually arrived at after a long and involved process of technical reasoning, or
sentimental declamation, as the case may be, a phrase of the constitution was found to contain, or was tortured into containing, what the writer started out to find in the constitution. By this time, the reader has probably guessed that there is no such express provision in the New York State Constitution as Mr. Abbot’s opening statement of facts would lead an uninitiated layman to assume. The Constitution of the State of New York
does not say, in so many words, “The jurisdiction of the City Court of the City of New York is limited to $2,000.”

We need not inquire further as to the exact tenor of the constitutional provision in question. Suffice it to say that the Legislature of the State of New York, which probably consulted some eminent constitutional lawyers before passing the law in question, thought that there was nothing contradictory between the provisions of the Constitution and the enactment in question. That does not mean that other eminent lawyers could not argue the
other way. We know that ultimately very learned essays were written on both sides of the question. Nor do we need to speculate as to what might have been the result on the constitutionality of the law in question if Judges Seabury and Lehman had been members of the Court of Appeals instead of the Appellate Term when this momentous subject was up for decision.

The moral of this case is the same whatever our guess may be on the last subject, and whatever our opinion may be as to which court decided correctly the famous case of Lewkovncz v. Queen Aeroplane Co. And that moral is; That legislatures do not usually pass laws which fly in the face of the constitution, and that when a legislature passes a law there is at least room for argument as to whether or not it is constitutional, so that honest men may honestly differ about it. Also, that giving judges the power to pass upon the constitutionality of legislation does not necessarily protect us against unconstitutional laws. And it may suggest at least the possibility, under our system, of law being declared unconstitutional which are not really so. 

I would certainly never underestimate the problem of an out of control legislature and a corrupt executive pose for egalitarian democracy - the closest to an ideal possible in human governments - but, as the Rehnquist and Roberts courts AND EVEN THE OFTEN UNWISE DECISIONS OF THE WARREN COURT show, an unelected, lifetime-appointed, unremovable body of lawyers is not only no less of a danger for egalitarian democracy, equal justice, economic justice, a sustainable and viable environment, etc. is even more dangerous to the lives, the rights and the safety of The People.   

The well known economist John Kenneth Galbraith once warned the American left of the dangers of relying on the judicial branch of the government as a replacement for the hard work of winning elections and making law.  I would suspect he may have, at some point, read Government by Judiciary, for all I know he may have known Louis Boudin in his younger days.  What was dangerous in 1931 has grown in danger since then and it is getting worse very fast.  The court has been the focus of a concerted effort by anti-egalitarians, oligarchs and outright fascists to fill those permanent seats of power, who have given themselves the power to not only break law but to make it, as well.   The Supreme Court is not compatible with even the electoral democracy we're supposed to have, well short of egalitarian democracy.  The struggle for equality and for real democracy has been the history of everything good about the United States and this court is not only trying, they are succeeding in turning us back to an American apartheid state where the rich rule through propaganda and lies.  All three of those courts I named above have played a role in bringing that about, the Warren Court unwittingly, the others by calculation.   Even their good intentions can be dangerous in the long run, if the Court can overturn legitimately made law, they have no problem turning a civil liberties victory of the 1950s and 60s around to serve the white supremacists and oligarchic fascists.  Who is there to stop them or turn them out of office when they do that?

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Jared Gold, Dave Stryker, McClenty Hunter Trio Live at Smalls Jazz Club 1/16/2021


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You'll want to skip to about 16 minutes into the video because the playing doesn't really begin until then.  If it worked, I tried to post the Direct link to the time things get started.  We'll see if it works.  

Whoever posts these could do a great service if they'd edit the set up time out of them. 

Jared Gold, organ

Dave Stryker, guitar

McClenty Hunter, drums 

Hate Mail - "no sense of humor"

OH, I DON'T KNOW about that.   I've been known to laugh at Brian Stollery's humor. 


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Update:  Stupy is waving a 58 year old review in front of my face to try to convince me that the mop heads are still kew-el.  It's his equivalent of wearing a "Keep Cool With Coolidge" button during the 1976 election and thinking it was kew-el when it was just stupid.

Of course, I don't care about the mop heads but it infuriates him so I make fun of them and the geezers who think they're kew-el. 

it's all about maintaining the status quo so that the people of privilege can keep their privilege

CONTINUING with Justice From Below by Walter Brueggemann.

This is the king's mishpat.  Justice read from above tends to be predatory.

That strand of Biblical justice, it seems to me, calls for a hermeneutic of suspicion because it is a confiscatory regime that transfers wealth, does this sound familiar?, from common people to the urban elites who preside over the military economy.

This will be the king's mishpat.

So you can read a strand of the Bible as justice from above and it is always about the maintenance of order and in order to meet, to maintain order you may need more police or you may need more armaments or you may need a bigger defense budget. But it's all about maintaining the status quo so that the people of privilege can keep their privilege.  Do you think I'm too hard on God's holy Word?

But there is in Psalm 99,* one of these five
[Enthronement] Psalms, a segue to another kind of justice.   In 99:6-7, this is a little linkage text that's important to my argument - verse 5 says "Worship the Lord and his footstool," which means his Temple  But then the next verse says Moses and Aaron, amazing, were among his priests, Samuel was among them, they cried to the Lord and He answered, He spoke to them in a pillar of cloud, they kept his decrees and the statutes that he gave them.

And so these two verses are a little bit odd in the cosmic liturgy of Jerusalem.  They identify the great pre-monarchal leaders. Moses and Aaron and Samuel, they talk about the memory of how we groaned and cried out in slavery and they affirm that God answered. And then there's a one-liner in there, he led us by the pillar of cloud.  We can remember that we were in the wilderness.  And then it ruminates about Mount Sinai, of statutes and ordinances, now, therefore, Exodus 19, If you will obey my voice and keep my covenant you shall be my treasured possession out of all the People.  

So this justice that just gets a trace in Jerusalem, this justice is not order from above, but it is transformation from below. And what I want to suggest to you is that the Bible is essentially a contestation between these two notions of justice. And my experience of the practice of the Church is that the Church is an arena for contestation between these two practices of justice. You know, there is a joke in the Episcopal Church about where is the dividing line in the church between Republicans and Democrats and the answer is the communion rail. Some of us are on one side the the People on the other side.

I don't know. 

"It is always about the maintenance of order," reminds me of something that always comes back to me when I'm thinking about courts, especially Supreme Courts,  I think of how the Supreme Court allowed an execution to go through on the basis that the paperwork for the appeal wasn't filed on the schedule of a lower court.  As I recall that embodiment of the banality of evil,  Sandra Day O'Connor in a revolting tone of scrupulosity had something to say about "order" in that case.  

But it's hardly only the US Supreme Court, other courts can provide callous injustice on the same basis.  The atrocious Fells Acre case in which the Supreme Judicial Court in Massachusetts, the governor, Jane Swift, certainly the prosecutor, Martha Coakley and others kept a clearly wrongly convicted family in prison, especially in the case of the son Gerald Amirault in the ritual child abuse hysteria of the 1980s and 90s.  As I recall the Supreme Judicial Court, the Massachusetts Supreme Court cited the desirability of having tidy procedure for the courts in their part in keeping clearly wrongly prosecuted and convicted people in prison with a guilty verdict on their record.  And that "finality" was more important, too.   It's a case that is such an example of judicial and prosecutorial, not to mention psychological-psychiatric shattering of justice that it had me in the odd position of being on the same side as Dorothy Rabinowitz who did much of the work of exposing the appalling injustice.   Or, rather that she was on the same side I'd been on from the start of that judicial-prosecutorial-pseudoscientific injustice.

Such is the case with the kind of justice that Walter Brueggemann brilliantly notes is present in the Bible but which is always in contestation with a quite different understanding of justice which is more likely to produce justice.   It was not until I started reading and listening to Walter Brueggemann that I'd been exposed to that key to understanding that reason that there is such serious, dangerous contradiction in the Scriptures, that it represents two entirely different strains of tradition among the Children of Israel, in the headwaters of the source of modern egalitarian democracy.  One is what the Kings and Temple priestly establishment deem it to be which, it should be no surprise, favors the rich, the powerful, the respectable and the well established, the other - and I hold true or at least truer side - favors the least among us most and the struggling and insecure as well.   

It's possible to go throughout history to see the same dynamic at work over and over again, in the Louis Boudin text it is seen in such pillars of the establishment as James Wilson fretting about the Congress, especially the House which is closest to having its power depend on the assent of the governed, acting "extravagantly" an interesting choice of words considering that extravagance is far more likely to be an attribute of the James Wilson, John Marshall class of people, a land speculator who made bad bets that literally landed a Supreme Court "justice" in debtors prisons and a fabulously wealthy Chief Justice whose wealth rested on hundreds of enslaved people against who he regularly handed down "justice" from that high bench. 

The Supreme Court of the United States is the high temple priesthood in our version of that contestation, the parts of the government that are closest to losing their jobs if The People vote them out are sort of in the middle, The People are the other side whether they realize that or not.  And there are lots of them who are suckered into looking up to the ones who are not going to provide them with the side of the justice duplex they need. 

The lawyers are functionaries of the court, I doubt many of them have the guts that Louis Boudin had in pointing out that the thing is not only a sham but it is the foremost engine of injustice and a danger to egalitarian democracy as long as it is allowed to retain its self-given power to thwart and, under the Rehnquist and, especially Roberts Courts, to attack equality and even The Vote.   

It is the key to understanding the entire collection of The Bible, that these two sources of content in it are two very different, yield entirely different results and can be seen all over the history of Christianity, Dorothy Day on one side, the putrid Francis Cardinal Spelman on the other side.  Archbishop Romero and the martyrs of Central America, the JPII papacy and the Reagan administration, with the American imperial christianity, on the other side.  

I think if Christianity as the following of Jesus is going to survive into the future it will have to finally choose the side of Jesus instead of the sticklers for legalism.   Most everything that is discrediting in the long history of Christianity is the side which chose worldly power, the side of Solomon who started out by killing off his rivals and ended up, as Brueggemann said earlier in the lecture, driving his kingdom into ruin. 

* Psalm 99

Praise to God for His Holiness

The Lord is king; let the peoples tremble!
    He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake!
The Lord is great in Zion;
    he is exalted over all the peoples.
Let them praise your great and awesome name.
    Holy is he!
Mighty King,[a] lover of justice,
    you have established equity;
you have executed justice
    and righteousness in Jacob.
Extol the Lord our God;
    worship at his footstool.
    Holy is he!

Moses and Aaron were among his priests,
    Samuel also was among those who called on his name.
    They cried to the Lord, and he answered them.
He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud;
    they kept his decrees,
    and the statutes that he gave them.

O Lord our God, you answered them;
    you were a forgiving God to them,
    but an avenger of their wrongdoings.
Extol the Lord our God,
    and worship at his holy mountain;
    for the Lord our God is holy.


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Orrin Evans - Captain Black - Two Ways


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Orrin Evans · Ralph Bowen · Tim Warfield · Antonio Hart · Sam Newsome · Avishai Cohen · Rodney Whitaker · Ralph Peterson



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Over time the Captain Black line-up has included such notable names as saxophonists Tia Fuller, Wayne Escoffery, Stacy Dillard, Tim Warfield, Marcus Strickland, and Jaleel Shaw; trumpeters Sean Jones, Duane Eubanks and Jack Walrath; trombonists Frank Lacy and Conrad Herwig; bassists Eric Revis, Mike Boone and Luques Curtis; and drummers Ralph Peterson, Donald Edwards and Gene Jackson. 

The core band has become more compact and streamlined over time, reduced from 17 to 11 pieces, without losing its forceful identity. It features a rotating cast of brilliantly skilled talent, most of them leaders in their own right – including drummers Anwar Marshall and Mark Whitfield Jr., saxophonists Immanuel Wilkins, Troy Roberts and Caleb Wheeler Curtis, and bassist Luques Curtis, among others. David Gibson, Josh Lawrence, Todd Bashore and Stafford Hunter have all been key lieutenants in the band from its early days, supplying arrangements or stepping up to fill leadership roles as they arise.

Do not do to others what is detestable to you - I Figured You'd Know That Quote Without A Citation

I PURPOSELY USED Hillel's formulation of The Golden Rule figuring people would know that.  Maybe I should have given a citation for everything.  He said it contained the entire Law, the rest was mere commentary.  It's probably his most famous saying not to appear on a soap bottle, at least I never saw it there as I squinted at the tiny letters with soap in my eyes.  It is the negation of all oppressive government, poison for fascism and gangster government in all its forms including that set up under the American Constitution.  It would solve all our political troubles and our growing and grotesque inequality.  If everyone did that we would have an egalitarian democracy, universal justice, economic justice, etc.  I would trade the entire Bill of Rights for it to be the law of the land and fire the Supreme Court before they could screw it up to benefit  their gangster buddies.

"Why does he hate you so much?"

AS I RECALL it all started one morning probably about ten or a dozen years ago, after Barack Obama's Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan did something to piss me off and I posted a comment at Eschaton that it should be an article in the Democratic Platform from now on and a mandatory pledge gotten from every Democratic presidential candidate that he would never appoint a Secretary of Education who had not, 

a. attended, b. taught in, c. sent their children to PUBLIC SCHOOLS.   

I think I said they should have had to have graduated from a public college or university, too.   Simps got really worked up that I'd said something so violative of the standards of middle-brow, college credentialed snobbery as to diss the Ivy League-Ivy Equivalent class.   He asked if I meant that they should be have "gone to a community college" to which I provocatively said and entirely meant that I'd welcome a competent 2-year college graduate who had proven their abilities in practice as a cabinet secretary more than one who had bought their credentials - or their daddy had -  especially in that position because they'd probably do a better job of assisting public education, the first obligation for someone on the job.  Arne Duncan, like Barack Obama proved they had absolutely no idea of what was needed or how to do that.  The snobbery and cluelessness of Race To The Top was what you could expect from a couple of preppy jocks, not someone who cared about those who would never reach the top and what they needed.   I think The Reverend Jeremiah Wright may have been correct that Obama appointed Duncan so they could play basketball together. 

From there he started trolling me constantly, things came to a head when he made a couple of disgusting racist "jokes" along with a couple of other would-be wits who are only nits at Duncans and I answered in a way that set him off libeling me there for the past decade.   Someone used to tell me about it but a while ago those messages stopped, I never knew who sent them.   Sometimes I go for months ignoring him but I'm by nature a scrappy guy and when I can refute the common received non-wisdom I feel an obligation to do so.   You do learn things along the way, looking for contemporaneous evidence to test my beliefs and predictions of what there is to support or what would be needed to refute it, I read a lot of interesting things that I'd probably not have gotten round to reading.  The Harvey Pekar review of Maus I linked to yesterday is one of those, it is a remarkably cogent and insightful critique, the kind you don't much see today, when everything is either merely negative or, more likely, positive PR. 

Like so much that is fun, there are regrets to be had in the aftermath, though he's never once refuted a single point I've ever made - HINT: get your primary sources and citations in order and they'll almost never come up with something to refute those.  You don't often need to get to the analysis of it, the online trolls seldom if ever get that far, in my experience. 

If I'd been wiser I'd have taken this advice when it was given during an earlier brawl because it was right.

RmjSeptember 2, 2016 at 1:56 PM

You can't fix stupid.

You can't educate it, either.

When The Court Is "Invested With Acknowledged And Supreme Authority" Democratic Rule Is A Lie And A Sham

THIS TIME IT'S NECESSARY to go back two paragraphs in order to make the meaning of the next passage clear, you can review the entire post to see what Louis Boudin so well demonstrates, that not only the extra-constitutional power given by the Supreme Court to nullify laws passed by Congress by a simple majority vote is not part of the Constitution it is claimed to uphold, its meaning has been gradually expanded by subsequent decades of Supreme Court claims of power and altered so much that its very basis has changed from what John Marshall originally claimed it to be.

Not only is the Judicial Power here described an entirely different governmental institution from the Judicial Power envisaged by James Wilson and John Marshall, but it rests upon an entirely different governmental theory. The Judicial Power as understood by Wilson and Marshall was based on the theory of the separation of powers—the distribution of the powers of government among three co-equal departments; while the modern Judicial Power as expounded by Baldwin and Haines, and as actually exercised by our Judiciary, is based on the theory of the centralization of the powers of government in the Judiciary, which is thereby made the supreme political power in the nation.

And the theory of the separation of powers is not the only one abandoned by the modern supporters of the Judicial Power. There is a tendency also to abandon the written basis of the power and to substitute for it a sort of Judicial Prerogative, claimed to be inherent in the office itself, independent of any written constitution either as a source or measure of the power. According to this theory, the judiciary is the repository of a higher law, of which the conscience of the judge is the only evidence and sole measure, which requires and enables him to declare “unconstitutional,” and therefore null and void, any law which conflicts with that higher
law as understood by him.

This new development in our constitutional law is based upon two historical theories, one appertaining to England, and one to the United States. In so far as England is concerned this historical theory consists in the assertion that English judges claimed, and for a long time possessed, the power to declare a law null and void for unreasonableness,” or because it did not square with the dictates of equity and justice as understood by the judges. The American exponents of this supposedly English constitutional theory claim Lord Coke as its chief sponsor in that country. And as a warrant for its incorporation into American constitutional law, it is supplemented by a rather novel, not to say startling, theory of the American Revolution. It is nothing less than the assertion that the American Revolution was but a lawyers’ revolution, designed to revive and perpetuate in America Lord Coke’s doctrine of Judicial Power, which seems to have fallen upon evil days in England just about that time. 

I will break in to note that even in England, Coke's declaration in the Dr. Bonham Case that this theory of judicial supremacy is based in was not clear.  It was seen by some to mean no more than that the judiciary had the privilege of interpreting the meaning of acts of Parliament, others claimed it meant that the judiciary could overturn acts of Parliament.  And it wasn't acted on in England the way it has become established in the United States.  

Why a democratic Republic which had broken with England, which was developing a system of universal white male suffrage at a far faster rate than Britain (by that time) was adopting a judicial position that gave absolute powers to an unelected body of lawyers, one which by the time the claims below were made was on the eve of the major expansions of voting rights to start to approximate an actual democracy, is worth considering.  Who was this innovation in judicial power meant to enable.  The answer to that is best seen in how the Supreme Court used it and who benefited, not based on individual "landmarks" but on balance.

As may be surmised, the principal exponents of this novel theory of the American Revolution are lawyers. It first took definite form in the report of a special committee appointed by the New York State Bar Association to investigate our subject. The New York State Bar Association is the greatest body of lawyers in this country, and comprises in its membership most of our great constitutional lawyers. This special committee naturally consisted of very eminent and very learned lawyers, as befitted the organization which it represented and the importance of the subject which it was to investigate. The committee’s labors were long and arduous, and its report detailed and exhaustive. It was delivered in three sections—to three annual conventions of the Association, held, respectively, in the years 1915, 1916 and 1917. Needless to say, it finds the Judicial Power well-founded upon legal, logical, and historical grounds. We shall have occasion to advert again to this report, and to discuss some of its assertions in detail. Here we shall refer only to its main thesis, announced in the beginning of its first section and adhered to throughout—the lawyers’ theory of the American Revolution. This theory is thus stated on page 11 of this committee’s report for 1915:

“In short the American Revolution was a lawyers’ revolution to enforce Lord Coke’s theory of the invalidity of Acts of Parliament in derogation of common right and of the rights of Englishmen.”

And on page 15 of the same report the committee reiterates this assertion in the following language:

“The American Revolution was a Lawyers’ Revolution to enforce the principle laid down in Lord Coke’s, Lord Hobart’s, and Lord Holt’s decisions that acts of parliament against common right or in violation of the natural liberties of Englishmen were void.”

The thing to be remembered is that in Lord Coke’s theory— whatever it was—neither the source of the judicial power nor its measure was based on any written constitution. The power was inherent in the office, and in its nature superior to the legislature. The overriding of the will of the legislature was not done ex necessitate, because of the compelling force of a written constitution superior to both legislature and judge, but by the requirements of right and justice as dictated to the judge by his conscience.

One thing is clear from a comparison of the arguments of the original exponents of the Judicial Power and their modern followers: Whatever the arguments whereby it is supported, the thing itself has undergone such radical change in the course of our history that it would probably not be recognized either by its original advocates or by the great Chief Justice who is supposed to have been its actual founder.

It will be necessary, therefore, not only to re-examine the various arguments adduced in support of the Judicial Power, but also to follow its growth historically from the time of its birth, when the judiciary was very properly described as the weakest of the governmental departments, to our own days of avowed Judicial Supremacy, when one of its great exponents frankly describes it as that part of our governmental system which is “invested with acknowledged and supreme authority,” and when the government of our country may be properly called a “Government by Judiciary.”

Another thing this does is render all of the civic pieties about government of, by and for The People, representative democracy, the supremacy of the Voters who are represented by those they elect, etc. a pious and empty lie. 

Government by judiciary, which we do have, means that whoever is on the court will 

- Decide if laws passed by the legislature and signed into law will get to be the law.

- Decide what the meaning of laws they deign to allow to become law is - replacing their own thinking and preferences for those of a far larger, ELECTED body who have far more stringent requirements for making their actions have legal effect. 

- Will be able to create law based on a simple majority which, by nothing more than custom and tradition and expectation, will become the law of the land and is required to be enforced by the executive and even, I'd assert, ruling the Congress.  

Considering the nature of how Supreme Courts are staffed, by the choice of the president with the anti-democratically constituted Senate (especially under Repulbican-fascist court capture strategies) confirming or rejecting those nominations, the power that Supreme Courts have taken for themselves is almost a guarantee of oligarchic governance.   It is controversial that President Biden might choose someone who is not a product of one of the elite Ivy or Ivy equivalent law schools which have provided most of the Supreme Court "justices" in our history who have been the most backward and most anti-democratic branch of the government - the Warren Court and its quickly diminishing influence being a singular exception, at least in part as Leonard Boudin claimed as posted here last week.   And, since they are laws to themselves, individually as well as collectively, the individual "justices" have no restraints on corruptly colluding with, consulting with, carousing with and benefiting from those who have business in front of the Court.  We have one of the most flagrantly corrupt Courts in the history of that sordid body, right now thanks in no small part to this theory of judicial supremacy.

In the Rehnquist Court we saw such Government by Judiciary in which five conservative Republican members of the Court, working in concert with Jeb Bush's Republican administration in Florida, the brother of the Republican nominee, decide the result of an election installing George W. Bush in office though he lost the popular vote.   Yet we have become so accustomed to government by judiciary that it was universally held, by the establishment, the "free press" the pundit class, even the man cheated of the victory he had won, that the court had spoken we must all acquiesce. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday Night Standards - You Go To My Head - I Guess I Should Post One For Valentines Day Before It Ends


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Ella Fitzgerald and Joe Pass 

"Banalizing the Holocaust" Presented As Nothing Sinister In Pop Culture

WHY DO YOU lead me to point things out that will only make you more angry and outraged than you already are?   Here, from an interview with Art Spiegelman by the L. A. Weekly 

 L.A. Weekly:  Did you know you'd get flack for depicting the Jews as mice, the Nazis as cats, and the Poles as pigs?

Spiegelman:  By the time Maus was published, I'd been warned by my publishers that it would be a good idea to lay low somewhere without a telephone.

L.A. Weekly:  But as you were drawing it, that didn't occur to you?

Spiegelman:  I'm stupid.  What do I know?  And it turned out that the flak was rather mild. However, in the last decade there's been mostly a very understanding and supportive response, certainly within the community of the directly affected and afflicted.  And a cry - a squeal, let's say - of outrage from the Polish community.  That's where it's still a problematic book. 

["A squeal." Yeah, anything for a laugh, right?  Their objection to being so depicted doesn't matter because it's OK to target that group that way.   Let's see what else doesn't bother him about this topic. ]

L.A. Weekly:  Speaking of problematic, I wonder what you thought of Roberto Benigni's film Life is Beautiful?

Spiegelman:  I think I would like Benigni a lot as a dinner companion.  I have a reputation for being - at least since the New Yorker covers started coming out - a member of the shock troops

And yet I must say that I was shocked by the movie.  I think Benigni overreached.  I understand the movie has been very well received, and it makes me very confused about the planet.  It's a bizarre film, done, obviously, with good intentions, which usually are paving stones for getting one place or another, sometimes an Oscar

You know Benigni said something fairly interesting in some interview I just read, that it was important to banalize the Holocaust.  That was kind of a shocking statement.  I would bet that people who hear about Maus from the outside assume that it's more of the same.  If I heard about the idea of this - You know, somebody did this comic book.  It's about the Holocaust.  It uses animals.  Oh, it's really amazing. I laughed, I cried" - I would shudder. 

[Yet apparently that didn't alarm him.]

L.A. Weekley:  Did Benigni elaborate on why we should banalize the Holocaust?  

Spiegelman:  So we could get on with our lives.  I don't think this was sinister.  I think it was part of those aforementioned paving stones of good intentions. 

[Talk about the banality of evil normalized through pop culture and commercial "art."   On that I can now rest my case.  Given a brawl here in recent weeks I can't resist continuing on in the interview a little farther. ]

L.A. Weekley:  Now that Shindler's List has lifted the lid on the Holocaust. . .

Spiegelman: [Laughs]  That's one way of putting it.  I vowed to stay silent about these things, and then every once in a while somebody just pushes the wrong button and I end up saying something.  I got a lot of flak for my responses to Shindler's List.  I got roped into a panel discussion, published by the Village Voice, in which I said that the only thing the film conjured up for me was six million emaciated Oscar Statuettes. . . .

From:  Art Speigelman Conversations p. 193-194

"six million emaciated Oscar Statuettes."  So much for the virtues of having a visual orientation.  Yet all of this is to be forgotten for some reason.   If you don't find the trouble with "banalizing the Holocaust" and the normalization of ethnic bigotry within a book held up as a monument against bigotry,  you are an amoral idiot.  

Yet, I would not remove the book from the school curriculum  but I would object to it being seen as teaching history and I would especially object to it being taught but as literature without teaching what's wrong with it.  And I didn't even get to things like his depiction of his father which I think is highly problematic because the whole thing deals in stereotypes.  I don't think more than one percent of its audience could navigate their way out of him being seen as one, either.

"Why haven't you written about them banning MAUS?" - Hate Mail

THERE ISN'T TIME to write about everything.  

I'm generally opposed to the use of fiction as a replacement for teaching history, which isn't written in a quasi-fictional form,  nor can it be.   Fiction has its own goals and exigencies and those are not compatible with the necessities of history.  God help us that most Americans get their history from the movies and TV and goddamned Broadway musicals, not history.  If a graphic novel is a superior form for teaching history, I've got my doubts.  I am highly suspicious of the use of any fiction as a replacement for that because all fiction dealing with historical topics leaves things out and bends things for the purposes of the author and their planned narrative.  And all of fiction will do what is most dangerous of all, create words and events that never happened.

I would be entirely in favor of them teaching MAUS as literature especially if they go over the problems with the book, such as Art Spiegelman's controversial and rather detestable choice to depict Poles as pigs with all of the baggage that choice brings with it.   I think it would be worth getting into a deep discussion over whether or not he was guilty of some of the things that such a book might be expected to be calling out as evils to reject instead of to exploit it for his own reasons.   I would contrast and compare the use of pigs by Orwell in Animal farm where they were used to represent the members of an economic class and not of an ethnicity who were on the Nazis extermination list, too.   One of the problems in this is that the teaching of literature is only as good as the teacher who teaches it.  I had one decent teacher of literature in public school over the approximately seven years I'd consider as them actually trying to teach us something about literature.  I suspect a lot of students weren't as lucky as I was.

Using actual history to teach history instead of a graphic novel would be better.  If it was honest history, entirely better.  Though MAUS was actually the book that convinced me that the form of the Graphic novel could rise to the point of actual  literature, it as well was part of confirming what I'd long before learned that teaching history through fiction was probably about as valid as teaching algebra or physics by fiction or interpretive dance.  

The interview he did with Walter Isaacson, I mostly agreed with what he said except for a few inaccuracies, he seems to have believed some of the common received nonsense about the Scopes trial, I suspect about everything he learned about it was learned from that stupid movie supposedly about it.   I will say that until Holocaust Studies comes to open and honest discussion of the Darwinian nature of the Nazis race theories and practices, they will never really get to the questions of why it happened.   I went over why what Whoopi Goldberg said was not said out of ignorance.  It was a good example of how the term "race" has different meanings at different times, among different people of different experience.   I noted the Pew survey that showed that most American Jews consider themselves white.  I do have an issue with how Spiegelman seems to reduce all questions to a matter of intelligence when a lot of times things like the variable meaning of words is a better explanation.   Like most post-WWII Americans, he's far too hesitant to discuss the most basic problem in all of this, the rejection of the morality of equality, the moral obligation to not do to others what is detestable to you.   He is also, surprisingly, more hesitant than I'd be to attribute the latest campaign to organized, financed at least Nazi-friendly ideology though, I was glad to see that he realized that his book being banned was part of the wider white-supremacist agenda. 

I do think the reason they went after that is because MAUS is anti-fascist in that it is anti-Nazi and Republican-fascism is a fascist, white supremacist front.  I am on record as favoring the banning of all content that supports Nazism, the American indigenous form of fascism, white supremacy and all other anti-egalitarian, anti-democratic ideologies.  I favor the exposure and suppression of all of that, though I think popular entertainment, including hate-talk radio and cabloid TV and their like on the internet are far more dangerous than most books are.  That said, The Turner Diaries have been used to kill enough Americans that I would favor its total suppression if that were possible.  I certainly would favor banning it from any school or public library.   It's been given the test in reality and deserves the death penalty.   I could make a list of such books that I'd ban from schools for similar reasons.  Though I wouldn't want it to cause them to become a cause celebre leading idiot civil libertarians to champion them and the morally ill to shoot them to the top of the Amazon rankings. 

Update:  For Pete's sake.   Art Spiegelman is a friggin' comic artist dealing in serious topics using comics.  If I can't criticize his work on the basis of what he says in it because A FRIGGIN' COMIC is too sacrosanct, it's a graven image, an idol held to be beyond criticism and its value has become degraded by making it into one. 

If you think I was way past the line hard on him over the one or two things I criticized, what do you make of what the late,  far more exigent and qualified critic, the underground comic creator Harvey Pekar said about MAUS, including the bigotry of personifying Poles as pigs?   His review of the book from 1988 is one of the best book reviews I've ever seen, ready to give praise as well as criticism.  The issues he raised should certainly be part of any discussion of the book.   I hadn't read it before preparing this post.  His criticism of Speigelman's use of "animal metaphors" as diminishing instead of enhancing the content is something I agree with completely.  His similar criticism of the use of "cutesy big-eyed characters" by Keiji Nakazawa in "Barefoot Gen" puts his finger on something I didn't care for when I read it (in Esperanto) a long time ago.  Though I didn't think it out into words.  Sometimes a picture can defeat the power of a thousand words, or ten in a frame.  I think Alison Bechdel's use of the form (which wasn't invented by A. S. ) is better, though tastes vary.

IT'S NOT FRIGGIN' HISTORY AND USING IT TO TEACH HISTORY IS TO FALSIFY HISTORY.  The falsification of history is dangerous, the Nazis and now the Republican-fascists want to do it, that's what the book-banning and "parental rights" and anti-Critical Race Theory Republican-Nazism is all about.  We shouldn't be doing it in another way while we argue against it.  As I noted given the topic and the tone of MAUS we had a right to expect the author to not engage in what he was supposed to be arguing against in his text.