Friday, September 6, 2024

House Keeping

I'VE BEEN unusually busy this last month getting ready to go back to work after a year of involuntary part-time employment.   I don't expect to ever be able to retire but that's my problem, not yours. 

I have been working on a major post, something I started quite a while ago in response to the usual whining about what I say about Darwinism,  though I'd really rather be talking about the election.  It's almost ready and after that I will leave the topic aside until perhaps next year.  

In short, I'm not dead yet and haven't been told to expect that in the foreseeable future.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Max Roach - Moon Face Starry Eyed


Ray Brant, piano

Bob Boswell, bass 

Max Roach, drums