OR IS IT "DEIST" hate mail?
The YOUNG Thomas Jefferson was sufficiently bothered by there being no naturalistic formulation from which he could assert the self-evident truth of rights that inhered to "all men" so he appealed to the late 18th century "enlightenment" idea of "nature and nature's god" because he had no rational alternative. If he had appealed to God, the God of Moses, Jesus, he would have had to really take the equal endowment of rights and he could not have done that and pretended that slavery, genocide and land theft that his wealth, the wealth of his fellow slave-holders and the financiers who would be voting on his Declaration of Independence rested were compatible with his declaration.
All human inventions, including constitutions and governments and everything else, including the products of science are in some way deficient, all of them are in some way bound to fail. Many of those deficiencies are a product of the impossibility of human beings controlling all parts of any problem or project, which is why science is not the exact view of the physical world that the ubiquitous common superstition that originated in the 17th, 18th and 19th century "enlightenment" asserted it was. It was one of the great discoveries of early 20th century science that science cannot ever be an exact description of even one electron, as I am still smug about forcing an especially arrogant physicist to admit about fifteen years back.
Other deficiencies in human inventions and creations aren't a product of unintentional omissions, they are a product of generally unadmitted human intention based on baser motives. The defects in our Constitution flow from the moral and intellectual dishonesty and crookedness that was on display at the original Constitutional Convention, perhaps most evident in the repeated and successful blackmail by the slave-power, especially the delegates from Georgia and South Carolina as can be seen in the arguments made in favor of accepting that blackmail by Northern delegates such as Alexander Hamilton* and Oliver Ellsworth made to their fellow Northern aristocrats.
In that short description of American history I gave this morning, showing how, over and over again through slavery, genocide, the Civil War, the replacement of de jure slavery with the de facto slavery of Jim Crow, the grinding economic inequality against working People and the destitute, the Great Depression, the ongoing reimposition of white supremacy by the Rehnquist and Roberts Courts, etc. the Constitution has proven its deficiencies and dangers. Most if not all of those deficiencies and dangers are based on the various blackmails made at the Constitutional Convention and accepted on the kinds of bases that Hamilton and Ellsworth argued for them AND ALL OF THOSE APPEALED TO THE SELF-INTEREST OF THE WEALTHIEST MEN IN AMERICA. They weren't based on equality or the Golden Rule. Until we face that those corruptions are baked in to our governing document and the dishonest lies made up by Constitutional scholars, lawyers, judges and "justices" and bought by us all despite the clear lessons of leaving those corruptions in the Constitution those corruptions will bite us again and again.
The imaginary god of the 18th century deists is clearly morally inferior to the God of Moses and Jesus. And, unlike God, it's stupid as well. We've tried the god of the deists, the naturalistic claim that allowing the wealthy and the poor the kind of liberty and law that would make it illegal for billionaires and the destitute to sleep under bridges and the rest of it and it's gotten us the fruit of that kind of laissez-faire liberty, Trump. Pretending that materialism, atheism, scientism is going to produce more than that is, I hold, an idea that has failed in the failure of "liberal democracy" as that started in that 18th century Constitution and was copied by others. Though some 20th century constitutions have learned a bit from our bad example, they have their own problems.
* Here, from a post I did about eight years ago:
But the part of that piece that inspired me to go back to what I
would say has been the most important book I've read all year, so far,
and revisit my idea of going over large parts of it to debunk the
mythology of the "founding fathers" and the brain cancer of
"originalism" or "Constitutionalism" or whatever that is certainly more
to blame for Republican fascism than The New Testament. The book is an
old one, first published in 1844*, The Constitution a Pro-Slavery Compact: or,
Extracts from the Madison papers, etc. selected by Wendell Phillips. I
would recommend that Charles Pierce read the words of Madison as a
balance to what sounds like a hagiographic biography of James Madison
by Noah Feldman. I haven't read Feldman's book, though I have to say
that what I've read from him in the past wouldn't lead me to suspect it
is anything like a rigorously objective reading of the primary record.
Reading his own words as published by Phillips, not to mention the other
"founding fathers" in the book, I don't see how anyone could not be
skeptical of anything he had to say which would be productive of
egalitarian democracy. The sordid materialism of the founders,
discussing not only slaves but free working people as chattels and in
terms of useful productivity is truly disgusting. I hope, this week, to
go farther into the discussion starting with the section impeaching the
Northerner, the "abolitionist" Alexander Hamilton on the basis of his
part in promoting the original corrupt bargain in our politics, the
selling out by even such supposed abolitionists as him to the slave
power on the basis of advantage to the commercial class in the Northern
states. This extract, alone, shows how Hamilton's legend is pretty
much a fiction.
Article 1, Sect. 2, provides --- "Representatives and direct taxes
shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included
within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be
determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including
those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons,"
Here, as in the clause we have already examined, veiled beneath a
form of words as deceitful as it is unmeaning. in a truly democratic
government, is a provision for the safety, perpetuity and augmentation
of the slaveholding power a provision scarcely less atrocious than that
which related to the African slave trade, and almost as afflictive in
its operation, a provision still in force, with no possibility of its
alteration, so long as a majority of the slave States choose to maintain
their slave system a provision which, at the present time, enables the
South to have twenty-five additional representatives in
Congress on the score of property, while the North is not allowed to
have one, a provision which concedes to the oppressed three fifths of
the political power which is granted to all others, and then puts this
power into the hands of their oppressors, to be wielded by them for the
more perfect security of their tyrannous authority, and the complete
subjugation of the non-slaveholding States.
Referring to this atrocious bargain, Alexander Hamilton remarked in the New York Convention
" The first thing objected to, is that clause which allows a
representation for three fifths of the negros. Much has been said of
the impropriety of representing men who have no will of their own.
Whether this be reasoning or declamation (!) I will not presume to say.
It is the unfortunate situation of the Southern States to have a great
part of their population, as well as property in blacks. The regulation
complained of was one result of the spirit of accommodation which
governed the Convention ; and without this indulgence, NO UNION COULD
POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN FORMED. But. sir, considering some peculiar
advantages which we derive from them, it is entirely JUST that they
should be gratified. The Southern States posses certain staples
--tobacco, rice, indigo, &c., – which must be capital objects in
treaties of commerce with foreign nations ; and the advantage which they
necessarily procure in these treaties will be felt throughout all the
If such was the patriotism, such the love of liberty, such the
morality of Alexander Hamilton, what can be said of the character of
those who were far less conspicuous than himself in securing American
independence, and in framing the American Constitution?
So, fuck all with abolition, there was indigo and tobacco to trade.
Which anyone who wants to groove on and boogie to "Hamilton" might want
to consider before they buy the Broadway tripe as accurate history.
I, somehow, doubt it's going to keep Rosie O'Donnell from buying her
32nd ticket to the thing It's got about the same intellectual status
as Star Wars, so why not?
Update: In discussing the corrupt and infamous 3/5ths provision which counted slaves by that fraction in giving the slave-states Congressional representation AND IN THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, it shouldn't ever be forgotten that one of the defects of the Emancipation after Reconstruction was ended was that, when the slave-holders regained power and prevented freed Black People from voting, they got the entire 5/5ths of representation and Electoral College power on exactly the same basis that they had it during legal slavery at 3/5ths. They benefited by two-fifths on the basis of Jim Crow.
The Roberts Court in overturning the Voting Rights Act, in allowing the gerrymandering of districts has revived that increased white supremacist power in Congress and in the Electoral College and, so empowered racist white supremacists across the country. John Roberts is a genteel Virginia white supremacist as are the entire Republican-fascist caucus of the Supreme Court, including the mentally ill Clarence Thomas. And the original defects of the 18th century Constitution are in full and enhanced effect, right now.
Once the SCOTUS interpreted the 1st Amendment as conferring the right to lie with impunity, we were on the irrevocable road to fascism. That was the whole point.