Thursday, February 13, 2025

It Might Help To Call It What It Is

SUSAN COLLINS is continuing her role in pretending to have more to her than her role as a Republican-fascist who, it should always be remembered, WILL ONLY DO THE RIGHT THING WHEN IT WON'T KEEP THE WORST THING FROM HAPPENING.    Harry Reid got her right in that.

But the way she does it, on her absurdly many appearances during the most lie-filled hours of the week,  the Sunday morning talk shows, on other talk shows, here in the media in Maine, needs to be named.

Susan Collins MO is playing dumb, over and over again, pretending she's just a stupid little girl who doesn't understand it when the terrible people she votes to confirm, when she pretends, oh, my!, she's so surprised, even shocked! when the terrible people and policies and laws she supports TURN OUT TO BE EXACTLY WHAT EVERYONE KNEW THEY WOULD TURN OUT TO BE. 

Susan Collins has been playing stupid her entire public life,  I don't know if it's something she learned as a little girl to get her way with daddy (Ivanka Trump's act is similar though a bit different in that regard) or to get out of punishments by feigning innocence but it's certainly what the skank does in her political career.   A small majority of Maine voters have been suckers for it - encouraged by Maine's uniformly Republican held and controlled media, including Maine Public media.   

Maybe if we start calling Collin's dumb little girl act what it is it might be recognizable to at least Mainers and they might retire her.   I doubt we can shame her into doing what's right because she clearly has no moral center, no integrity, no sense of shame at all.

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