Friday, February 18, 2022

We Need A Laxative To Pass The Olympics Movement Out Of Our System

THE CHILD ABUSE that was on full display to the entire world, what happened to THE CHILD, Kamila Valieva, has to stand as an indictment of the Olympics establishment from top to bottom.   If she, a 15 year old child, can survive emotionally or physically after what happened to her over the last two weeks, ON FULL DISPLAY TO THE WORLD . what was done to her by them should lead to the destruction of the so-called "Olympics movement" which is actually a band of gangsters. 

When  Olympics fever struck the financial and political elite of Boston  to get the Summer Olympics for 2024 and the more serious and focused members of the government and many critics of the bid outside of government exposed what those crooks running the Olympics demanded of "host citites," an outrageous list of demands, including potentially ruinous guarantees demanded putting the public holding the bag for them and outrageous perks for the gangsters who run the thing.  Eventually the polls that reflected the irrational mania that the "Olympics Movement" runs its grifts on turned as the People of Boston found out the same things I did, those turned against it and the gangsters pulled out of the scheme.  I've never been a big fan of the Olympics, after finding out what the bunch of spoiled royals the gang of grifters and crooks who run it are demanding, I have hated it. 

And on top of the incredible abuse that was on display to the world yesterday, thousands of other abuses, there is the collusion between the Olympics Committees and some of the worst governments in the world.   Putin's dictatorship, the Chinese Communist government, . . . the Nazi regime.

It's time for what's left of democracy to dump the Olympics Movement bull shit and either lay down some ultimatums to them cleaning the criminal enterprise up or to mount honest games, with uniform rules against the abuse of athletes,  BASED IN PERMANENT FACILITIES in long standing democracies that are not likely to lose that distinction.  I would not think the United States would figure in that category based on what's happened here since five Republicans handed an election to the loser of their party in 2000.  Though, perhaps, the infamy of losing such a status might be useful to curbing the native fascist-white supremacist inclinations of our pop-culture and, so, our politics.

The Olympics is as crooked as any individual sport has been, professional boxing and its relationship with organized crime, international football, American football.  Only the absurd piety that has been mounted around it has turned the Olympics into a secular, materialist religious event which is not allowed to be criticized, more so than even the religious religious entities are fully open to criticism and investigation by the same media that would never question the Olympics which, as we have seen in the scandal imposed on a 15 year old girl by her coaches, the program she was controlled by and the Olympics establishment who should be investigated for financial collusion in their outrageous decision to allow her to compete when they have so flagrantly set up a double standard on that. 

As it is, Kamila Valieva is just another sacrificial victim to the Olympics god of money and nationalism and the idol that sports generally turns into.  She will be chewed up and spit out, no matter what her talents are, the Olympics is a monster just as the idol of Baal is held to be in the Scriptures.   That torch can count as the flames in which children are sacrificed, ruinous debts imposed on "host cities." The language of parasitism in that phrase should be taken seriously.  Some of the worst dictators have mounted some of their most effective propaganda under its light.

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