Sunday, February 13, 2022

AMERICAN FOOTBALL isn't the most important evidence but some of the most concise evidence that the United States has more in common with the most degenerate part of the Roman Empire than it does an egalitarian democratic country in which Christianity is a significant religious force.  

It is morally degenerate entertainment and a moral blight on the country.  And it really does have consequential consequences for public life, none of those good ones.


  1. HOLE E. SHIT -- Schmucko has just noticed that a lot of professional sports is BREAD AND CIRCUSES!!!!

    Seriously, schmucko -- you have to be the most obtuse shithead on the planet not to have figured that out sooner.

    1. A Simp In His Senectitude

      You must not remember that five years ago we had this exchange

      steve simelsFebruary 5, 2017 at 9:54 PM

      You posted a piece about your deep loathing of American football on Superbowl Sunday. I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

      The Thought CriminalFebruary 5, 2017 at 10:36 PM

      I know you are unique in the world in figuring every day is Supersimels day but I frequently write about my deep loathing of you with no coincidental event except your lying about me.

      I don't follow football anymore than I do crap TV and teeny-bopper music. You'd be shocked at how much you can ignore that stuff when you think about things that are important.

      Isn't it time for you to say something stupid about literature, it's been more than 24 hours since your last idiocy on the topic.

      I've been making fun of football since I first saw a game on TV and couldn't believe how stupid it was, that was before the high school in our town went into a consolidated district and went from basketball being the major sports team to having, for the first time, football and I found out that football jocks were a whole different order of assholes. Not to mention realizing how brain numbingly boring it is.

  2. Like I said, you're the most obtuse shithead on the planet.

    Here's another hint, schmucko -- literally everything you don't like, including going out for dinner at some crappy restaurant in your hick neighborhood, is on some level bread and circuses. That's life -- start dealing with it before you drop dead from stress and malnutrition.

    1. So, you're saying you like going to crappy restaurants in your neighborhood. Well, did I tell you not to?

      It's hilarious that you think there's a restaurant in my neighborhood. Apparently you think there's an Ihop on every road in rural America. I'd have to go at least five miles to get to the first restaurant and they're a steak house.

      Do you flash your pom poms during the game or just paint your torso your team's colors? Don't send pictures.

  3. "teeny-bopper music."

    By which you mean the Beatles, thus proving you're the stupidest motherfucker on the planet.

    1. Not as long as you're still breathing.

      I guess you had a different relationship with your mother than I did with mine, that doesn't fit in with my life either.

    2. Oh, and, yeah, Simps the mop heads are the latest thing in teeny-bopper kewel, how old is Sir Paul? He hit 80 yet?

  4. How old was Brahms when he died, you philistine moron asshole? :-)

    1. Which is it, Simps, you're claiming he was in the NFL or that he was a teeny bopper idol? Which category of Trumpian, Giuliani, Sidney Powell dementia does this one come from? Though I would imagine teeny boppers of now might figure he was of the same vintage as the cute mop head, they both being figures of their ancient past.

  5. So music that is several decades or more old is by definition invalid. Good fucking grief, you're a philistine piece of shit without a shred of taste.

    1. You senile Simp, I went over the "invalid" thing last week and ripped it to shreds. You obviously think that teeny boppers have the power to "validate" music whereas I was merely commenting on whether or not it would be kew-el with the tweens. I remember a Sylvia Cartoon where one woman said to another one, Someday Warren Beatty is going to be old and yucky. Well, guess what, Simps, the mop heads are yesterday and yesterday's gone. I wonder, you probably think Chad and Jeremey are still cutting edge, don't you.

  6. " I wonder, you probably think Chad and Jeremey are still cutting edge, don't you. "

    Chad and Jeremy (not "Jeremey") were extremely talented and made several gorgeous albums. You wouldn't know that because, well, you're deaf and an idiot. :-)

    1. In other words, I got you right on that point too. You really do like gorging on the white bread, don't you.
