Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Biggest Security Risk The United States Faces Is The DC Insider Media and The Republican Establishment (James f****** Comey!) Who Had Trump In Office

THE REPUBLICAN-FASCIST FRONTING media, especially the DC media are going full mean girl in their campaign to Hillaryize Kamala Harris.  It's time for us to attack them, starting with what Wonkette pointed out, that Politico's Alex Thompson and two other skanks are going after her for, among other things, being careful with secure communications.  THE VERY REASON THE  SKANKS WENT AFTER HILLARY CLINTON, THE SKANKS INCLUDING TRUMP AND JAMES COMEY CNN, FOX AND THE FUCKING NEW YORK TIMES!  IN ORDER TO PUT THE BIGGEST NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER IN OUR LIFETIMES IN THE PRESIDENCY.

First Kamala Harris had a fake French accent. Then she bought a $375 pot. Now, she’s accused of wearing old-fashioned headphones. The vice presidential scandals never end.

Politico broke the gripping story about Harris’s headphone preferences. The headline blared: “Kamala Harris Is Bluetooth-Phobic,” as though Harris is prejudiced against technology.

    While a growing number of consumers are going wireless, the vice president is sticking with the classics. She has long felt that Bluetooth headphones are a security risk. As a result, Harris insists on using wired headphones, three former campaign aides told West Wing Playbook.

    That caution has continued since the election.

We’re treated to examples of Harris using wired headphones in public and during televised appearances. And this is absurd: "After casting the tie-breaking Senate vote on the American Rescue Plan in March, reporters captured Harris with wired headphones in hand. And during the campaign, she filmed campaign videos with the retro coils falling from her ears.”

And Thompson continued his mean girl act:

Politico’s Alex Thompson, who should feel bad, tweeted more details Monday afternoon:

    NEW: Kamala Harris has long felt that Bluetooth headphones are a security risk. So, she insists on using wired ones, 3 fmr campaign aides told @rubycramer and me. That Bluetooth phobia remains (if you look closely, you'll see the clump of wires in hand)

Not to horn in on Dok’s rhetoric beat, but the word choice here reveals a clear bias. Harris doesn’t just prefer to use wired headphones, she “insists” upon them, like a pop star diva who demands that her dressing room be kept at exactly 68 degrees before a performance. Politico keeps using the word “phobia,” implying an irrational fear or obsession, rather than a logical precaution.

First, if any Democrat, especially those who have worked on campaigns or been close to high-level Democratic politicians are talking to the skanks of the DC media, they should be identified and receive a life-time ban on ever getting close to someone on the level of Kamala Harris because they are a security risk to not only the Democratic Party BUT TO THE COUNTRY THAT THE REPUBLICANS AND THEIR KEPT MEDIA COMPROMISED SO DANGEROUSLY DURING THE TRUMP YEARS.   

It's time to stop defending the media and to attack it for each and every incident of this kind.  Alex Thompson and his fellow skanks on this make believe scandal

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