Monday, December 6, 2021

Even As I Typed This I Heard Someone Mention That Goddamned Movie!

BOB DOLE WAS A MALIGNANT partisan without much of any sense of moral discernment.   He was a protegee of the origin of today's Republican-fascism, Richard Nixon, frequently his hatchet man and defender.  He was a partisan hack who had few, if any, real principles or morals.  His one and only area of something more than that was based entirely in him being a disabled veteran of WWII, so he championed the issues of some disabled veterans.  All areas outside of his own, personal experience and identity, he was one of the worst. 

He is being presented as some kind of hero, some kind of saint by the commercial, billionaire owned, controlled and benefiting media, Republican-fascist - look at how they are treating Joe Biden in all of his competent decency as opposed to George W. Bush and even the worst president in our history, Trump. 

I will not mince words, I despised Bob Dole and his wife who I may live to condemn someday.    The only thing that keeps me from using the term "banality of evil" in regard to him is because he was more like evil with competence and complete knowledge.  I'm sure I'll be reminded of the myth of mid-western goodness and levelheadedness that is that vile movie, It's A Wonderful Life, though I long ago swore off of Jimmy Stewart because his Iowa accent reminds me too much of that current example of a more banal and stupid evil, Chuck Grassley and the states that sent them to the Senate.  

I have no hesitation to speak the truth about the dead, especially those whose lives were so evil to such evil effect, leading to the misery, oppression and death of thousands and tens and hundreds of thousands and millions of others.  Bob Dole was such a person.  If I owe someone something on the occasion of his death it is those who were the victims of his life, his work and his career.   Remembering what he did makes me regret that I don't believe in eternal damnation so maybe I should stop right now before I regress to Augustinian theologizing.

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