Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Blame You Seek To Assign May Turn Out To Be Your Own

THE COMMUNIST CHINESE GOVERNMENT only has itself to blame for the widespread skepticism about the origin of the Covid-19 virus, the Repulbican-fascist fed theory that it didn't arise spontaneously in the cruel wet-markets with a covid virus from bats going through pangolins kept to be slaughtered to feed the appetites of the wealthy who wanted to eat such poor creatures, and that isn't just something that is done in China but around the world.  

It is a fact that some of the deadliest pandemics in human history have an origin in animals kept or hunted for meat, though keeping them in close confinement, tended by people who then become a part of the development and chain of transmission for novel viruses, I'd guess, is most responsible.  I make no apologies for pointing that out and will continue every time this is the topic for discussion.

Somehow, I can't see meat producing Republican-fascists being at all eager to regulate that industry here, which is, as it is anywhere, a ticking time bomb which is all but totally guaranteed to produce other pandemic diseases.  I wonder if maybe there is a political-economic motive in the Republican-fascist desire to steer attention from the meat industry as the source of this, one, viral pandemic.  I certainly don't trust them anymore than I trust the Communist Chinese government to be honest and above board.

But, as I started, the Chinese government with its paranoid habits of secrecy and non-disclosure has certainly given the Republican-fascists a lot of what they've used to blame them for human creation of the virus.  If they had been totally open to world-wide investigation from the start,  innocence of that accusation, if innocence it is, could have been discovered.

But if that theory is right then it's an indictment of the scientists and administrators who carry out that kind of research so irresponsibly.  I was talking to a biology teacher a while back and he told me about a Soviet-era lab deep inside the Soviet Union where a scientist loved to create novel viruses of enormously deadly potential just out of what he called "intellectual curiosity."  He being kept by the Communist government and allowed to pursue his hobby with an eye towards possible military application in the same way the North Korean government pursued nuclear weapons.  And I'm sure that depraved hobbyist of "pure research"  would have his counterparts in many countries, including the United States.  

I remember getting into several blog brawls on science themed blogs about the stupidity of locating high security bio-hazard labs in population centers, especially one that was to be placed in South Boston so as to be convenient to so many of the area's universities.   I remember asking one obviously insider commentator if grad students would be working there, she said yes.  Grad students would be exactly where I'd expect accidental infection and transmission to the outside world to happen, yet they are not the only possible source for that.  Grad students, no matter how smart they may be, are mostly immature kids who have spent too much time in school and not enough in reality to be trusted with such grave responsibility.  Neither are many seasoned scientists.

Perhaps the Republican-fascists in the Congress should be careful about getting what they wished for.  If a government lab in Communist China, one of the most tightly controlling governments in the world, could have an accident unleashing this pandemic from the controlled conditions in a high-security laboratory then it's a gurantee that it can happen here or anywhere where such labs, government run OR IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR operate.  

You can take your pick, either the meat industry or the scientists who do this kind of research and those who fund and motivate their work are to blame for this.  And neither of those are exclusively Chinese or "other" in origin but are the same world-round.  I remember when the putrid Sam Harris proposed his little thought experiment of preemptive bombing of "Muslim countries" to prevent them using, in their putrid phrase the "Isl*mic bomb" on us, "killing tens of millions in a day" I proposed, instead, demanding that all of the scientists with the knowledge of producing atomic and nuclear weapons be killed, instead, since they were the source of the danger.  The very same people who, as an intellectual exercise (yeah, right) proposed killing tens of millions of totally innnocent people reacted in horror at the prospect of killing the people who were guilty of producing those weapons that were the origin of their depraved proposal.   

While I'm not necessarily advocating first killing all the scientists, if they're going to insist on producing such horrors, they are a danger to all of us.  The same with the meat industry.  If the swine farmers and poultry farmers and cattle men are going to produce other pandemic diseases, they're as responsible as the scientists who they want to blame this pandemic on - somehow, I suppose, absolving Trump and the likes of the governors of Texas, Florida and South Dakota from their role in its massive spread.

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