Thursday, March 12, 2020


Rachel Maddow said that Trump destroyed the Directorate for Global Health Security And Bio-Defense at the National Security Council for reasons that are "inexplicable".   I can give you three reasons why a Republican-fascist would have done that.

A. It violates the ideological faith of neo-classical economics, it shows that the government can do such things which the private sector cannot and would not do if it could.  It violates the faith that flows from the University of Chicago that the market economic system can do everything and whatever they can't do doesn't matter.  This is a product of the decadence of economics as an academic department and a pseudo-scientific enterprise.   I think this is a product of the choice of PBS to put Milton Friedman on the screen in the late 1970s, popularizing a particularly evil and grotesquely decadent and irresponsibly romantic load of economic bull shit.  One which the previous history of the 20th century had shown was a lie.   

B. It violates the racist, neo-Confederate sensibility that the federal government should do such a thing.  Perhaps the libertarian, what I'd call Hollywood cowboy mythos as much for the government to do such things, especially when those serve the common good.

C. Obama did it so the racists could do what they want want, to complete the nullification of the presidency of the first Black president.   

When you think about it, it's not in any way surprising that it was done by the people who destroyed our capacity to address a pandemic like the one we're in and for the reasons they do it.  Ideas have consequences,  neo-classical economics, "states-rights" and that human pandemic virus of racism combined to bite even the ones who practice those who wield power under them.  

Whats inexplicable?   This is what happens. 

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