Tuesday, January 7, 2020

What It Will Take To Keep The US From Getting Into These Wars Of Political Utility

Before Christmas I was intending to go on with the evidence that links Darwinism to Nazism and I still am going to, going through the proto-Nazism of the British Fabian-socialist geneticist and self-proclaimed keeper of the Darwin flame, Karl Pearson.  I wasn't anticipating that Trump would try to stop impeachment by putting us on the path to a war as terrible if not more so than Bush II's invasion of Iraq, the third such politically motivated war by a Republican-fascist since Bush I fomented his Gulf War by having his ambassador, April Glaspie, give Saddam Hussein permission to invade Kuwait.  I will never pass up an opportunity to name the war whore whose words to Hussein got so many murdered because Bush I wanted to run as a "war president" and reap the glory that the American media whores give to any Republican they can give that title to. 

Commenting on that will have to take precedence, especially as the media is already softening up any resistance to Trump's political war. 

We pay a huge price for having a media in the hands of people who have, mostly, not had their own sweet fat at risk of getting sent to war, a media staffed with the middle and upper class brats who look good on TV or can be presented as such.  I was opposed to the United States having a peace-time draft or for anything less than a legally declared war like WWII was but if we're going to keep killing lots of brown people in these unillegalized wars - at odds with the Constitution that politicians swear an oath to uphold - I think Americans, white, middle-class, upper-class, billionaire brat Americans of the classes that don't join the all-volunteer military should be at risk from the wars made in our names.  

No deferments, not even for conscientious objectors, not illnesses, except those diagnosed by a team of military doctors who have had to treat battlefield injuries - assuming they'd be less inclined to rubber-stamp the kind of medical deferments the children of the rich get corrupt doctors to give them.  President Bone Spurs joins a long list of such 4F war mongers. 

I have seen too many people who got CO deferments who went on to become war mongers or the staff flunkies of war mongers to believe them.  If we oppose war we should expect to put our lives on the line, certainly we should face putting our our comfortable daily lives at risk,  because eventually that's what it will have to come down to to keep the United States from starting these wars of political utility.  

If the three whores who sit on the couch on FOX and Friends had loved ones who would stand a good chance of getting killed in this war they might not be such whores for war.  If they'd been conscripted for the Bush I or Bush II wars, they might be less so inclined.  Or they may have gotten killed for Republican-fascist presidents they supported and would not be there mongering this war.  I think that's worth considering, since I'm in a mood to be up front these days. 

Update:  I should add in anticipation of someone saying the Generals don't want a draft because it would lower the quality of the military Good. If they didn't have so much confidence in their troops maybe they wouldn't have been so stupid as to give Trump the irrational option of killing Soleimani believing the senile millionaire-media made brat boy commander-in-chief wouldn't be so pathologically amoral as to take it to distract from impeachment.  I can't believe they didn't understand he would do that after three years of him in office.  I want our generals and admirals to be afraid they might lose one of these Republican wars of political opportunity.  Maybe they wouldn't support Republican-fascists as much, either. 

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