Thursday, January 23, 2020

Manure Mail

If the rigorous standards of research that were demanded by the critics, external, such as Ray Hyman but, also, the internal critics of parapsychological research, demands made AND MET BY SUBSEQUENT RESEARCHERS by 1980 were imposed on the literature of conventional psychology virtually the entire literature of psychology would crumble and Ray Hyman and his "skeptical" psychologist colleagues would have nothing to teach and their university departments would be put to better uses.*  Perhaps they could use the resources wasted in that junk science for restoring basic Freshman Rhetoric with a very strong component based on logical argumentation.   

I would remind you of what happened when such a test of the literature of psychology was made in the replication crisis, and that was not imposing standards as rigorous as those demanded of scientists conducting parapsychological research.   Most of psychology couldn't even withstand the most basic practice of science, replication of claimed research.  

When you compare the research methods accepted as adequate for conventional psychology, sociology, etc. and those which are practiced by rigorous study of parapsychology, any honest appraisal would have to come to that conclusion, certainly about most of what gets published in reviewed journals, that parapsychological research is entirely more rigorous in its practices and entirely more restrained in its claims.   The non-professional reporting of psychology being even worse, comparable to the crap stuff that you've read about what you call "psychic junk,"  that's not what I was talking about.  Maybe your college credentials didn't cover the difference between science and broadcast and typed bullshit.   You should have gone to a land-grant university, we learned the difference.  

I'm just telling you what's obvious to people who bother to honestly make the comparison.   It's not one of my greatest interests it's just that I've just done the reading and am not going to lie about it. 

*  Editing this, I suspect the entire field of education would probably improve enormously if they stopped trying to play psychologist.  Education has suffered enormously as psychology got imposed on the art of teaching. 

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