OK, I cut off the portion of Exodus yesterday with Pharaoh getting paranoid about the Jews - perhaps the first recorded instance in history of the kind of antisemitism so recently on full display when the Republican-fascists used the exact same "othering" and "alien" and "dual-loyalty" paranoia against Lt. Col Alexander Vindman. As Walter Breuggemann would say, they didn't know they were quoting Pharaoh. I'll start where I left off with the rest of that very long sentence
so they not multiply (sounds like a Darwinist)
. . . por ke ĝi ne multiĝu,
por ke jee ne mul-TEE-ju
for, if there happens to be a war
ĉar se okazos milito,
char se ok-AZ-os mee-LEE-to
then also, this people will give-allegiance to our enemies
tiam ankaŭ tiu popolo aliĝos al niaj malamikoj
TEE-am AN-kow TEE-oo po-PO-lo al-EEJ-os al NEE-aj mal-am-EEK-oy
and war against us and leave the land
kaj militos kontraŭ ni kaj foriros el la lando. for-EER-os el la LAN-do
keye mee-LEE-tos KON-trau nee keye
I'll break in here and say that the author of Exodus was very astute in noting that the Egyptian establishment not only wanted to use paranoia against what would be called "aliens" in Pharonic America they also wanted to keep using their labor to enrich themselves. Makes you think of Lou Dobbs and Donald Trump using undocumented workers at their places, Trump voters would, I'd guess, have a higher rate of making money off of low-paid undocumented workers than those who support things like DACA. The parallels don't stop there.
And they set over them work-bosses (slave drivers, "human resources", monitor bots, etc.)
Kaj oni metis super ilin laborestrojn,
keye O-nee MET-ees SOO-per EEL-een la-bor-EST-royn.
to press them with hard labor
por premi ilin per malfacilaj laboroj.
por PRE-mee EEL-een per mal-fats-EEL-eye la-BOR-oj.
and they constructed for Pharaoh storage cities Pitom and Rameses.
Kaj ili konstruis por Faraono provizejajn urbojn Pitom kaj Rameses.
keye EEL-ee kon-STROO-ees por fa-ra-ON-o pro-viz-AY-eyen 00R-boyn PEET-om keye ra-MEHS-es.
Translated into contemporary American, that means "Mexico will build the wall."
Pronunciation for English speaking Americans
Zagreb quick course for mastering the basics
Gerda Malaperis structured into an easy course with exercises and a dictionary of the vocabulary (vortaro). I think the Esperanto on the page is fairly transparent, if you have trouble with it, let me know.
To the snarky trolling, you know, someone trolled me over Darwinism and eugenics at a science blog once and it led to me writing scores and scores of posts documenting that. Bullying might work to scare you off but it only encourages me.
P.S. And I didn't even know at the time that Jeffrey Epstein and his procuress-girlfriend Ghislane Maxwell were the money and moving force behind that venue of atheist-scientistic-materialist propaganda, the "Science Blogs" at the time. Just thought I'd throw that in your face, again. I'd still like to compile a list of all the a-hole-a-list celebrity scientistic-atheists who were hanging with Epstein and taking a ride on his infamous jet.
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