Monday, August 12, 2019

When Scribbers and Creators Deny What They Are Trying To Do As They Do It - Hate Mail

I wonder if anyone has ever done an opinion poll trying to discern the extent to which long term and long playing of violent, role playing video gaming might be reasonably suspected of making people more hostile to gun control.  For anything to be accepted as true in the college credentialed minds which control the media, it would have to be presented in that form, such is the sales success in prerequisites in the pseudo-so-called-sciences in university and college degree programs.

I strongly suspect that there is such an association between a number of different forms of entertainment which other entertainers and those in the scribbling class require us to not believe in and certainly not entertain as even a possibility.  Perhaps more strongly when the entertainment requires more than a passive level of consumption. 

It is not an unreasonable suspicion that there is such an association between those who like violent movies and unrealistic movies in which violence is presented not only as positive, but a downright requirement to a sense of male identity and sexual prowess.  The movies, TV, thriller novels, spy novels, horse and cop operas all present violence as positive.   In Westerns and in police stories - which are, more often than not, selling violence through sex - that violence, done by "lawmen" is in itself illegal and in some of the most popular of those, the lawlessness of the lawmen is presented as the key to their admirability and success as heroes.  I've often wished it were possible to find out what cops who shoot black people watch by way of entertainment,  both fictitious and the fiction that gave us Trump, "reality" programming. 

You can count me as one of those who noticed that in the rise and reign of Reagan, Hollywood turned from Alan Alda brand fare to overt fascist chic, glorifying violence, glorifying the military and then officially revived horse opera-cop opera violence when, in fact, those had never really gone away.  The rise of Republican-fascism has been achieved through influencing enough people through the entertainment that they imbibe - they were hardly paying enough attention to actual news programming for that to have an effect, where it did it ran counter to the rise of Republican-fascism, and proved that as compared to entertainment which is, guess what, more entertaining than the reporting of fact, fact got smaller audiences and, so, was less influential. 

This phenomenon of even the smartest of media folk, of which the scribbling class is a part, often merely aspiring to have an audience, who discount the malignant effect of entertainment violence, the promotion of toxic masculinity - not to mention the required toxic femininity that it requires - through the presentation of sexy violence done by sexy toxic male characters, retrograde, fascist political beliefs and their subsequent enactment through voting,  . . . the spectacle of the creative part of the media denying that the very things that they do for a living do not have the very effect they desire - TO EFFECT PEOPLES' BEHAVIOR THROUGH WHAT THEY SHOW THEM - is emblematic of the mass delusion of the educated class, the college credentialed crowd.   It is the very hallmark of typical human depravity and hypocrisy by those with a financial or merely aspirational interest in denying what they do. 

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