Monday, August 12, 2019

Thoughts On Reports Of William Barr Secretly Seeing Jeffrey Epstein In Prison Recently

I AM going to speculate that the reason the totally unqualified, uncredentialed Jeffrey Epstein got a job teaching at a top-level elite prep school from Donald Barr, William Barr's father was that either Epstein had something on one or both of the Barrs, père et fils, or others close to them.  I won't give William Barr or those close to him a level of presumption of innocence that he doesn't give to toddlers, children, their parents, poor people, etc.  

The story that a mobster insider has told that not long before Epstein was first found with lesions on him that William Barr visited him in prison should certainly be followed up on.  Especially as Barr's boss, Trump is pushing the outlandish Clinton centered lies that anyone could have predicted would be injected into the news cycle.

If that is how things are being done under Trumpian fascism, those are the standards they should face, too.  As I have said before, Nixon's hypocrisy as a "law and order" candidate who went on to run a flagrantly criminal administration, to be followed by other such ones in Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and now Trump, has made me conclude that public officials who commit crimes or who are accused of crimes should be treated with the exact same rules that they advocate or practice for others.   Besides that, it would have had to be something massive for Donald Barr to put his position running an elite prep school in the jeopardy that the record suggests ended his career at the Dalton School.  

Donald Barr, by the way, was given a position on The National Council on Education Research by Ronald Reagan.  That family is deep in the Republican-fascist system.   It makes you wonder if Ronald Reagan ever partied or traveled with Jeffrey Epstein or who in his administration may have.  I wonder if evidence exists. 

Given their power to destroy lives through "law and order" to allow their fellow elite criminals to get off for the most serious of crimes, to pardon them, to advocate their pardons (as William Barr has) I have no problem making their rules and practices apply to them.  To hell with presumptions of innocence and rules of evidence for Republican-fascists in the age of Republican-fascist character assassination, they get the same treatment.

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