Sunday, August 11, 2019

An Open Message To L. P. - Hate Mail

About the worst way in the world to deny that you're OC over what I say is to post seven long, well, six long ones and one short angry, ranting comments at me full of stuff that addresses nothing I ever said and some things I said the opposite of what you claim I did. 

Keep it under three, be accurate and I might post them and might answer them.  I think you have a real problem of addressing a stereotype of a liberal that doesn't have much to do with who I am and what I say.  I get that a lot.  Look at what Stupy has said from the pseudo-left. 

I think one of the bases of Judeo-Christian-Islamic, etc. morality is to treat people as individuals instead of stereotypes.  I know sociological, anthropological and psychological habits of thinking are hard to overcome - that the social "sciences" promote the same old habits of entrenched human folly that traditional forms of sterotypical racism, ethnic bigotry, sexism, etc. practice is part of why I concluded that modernism is a folly.  Not bearing false witness is highly relevant to that and not bearing false witness is only ever effectively practiced on a widespread basis in a religious context, it's hard to do even within one but it almost never happens outside of it. 

Think about it.

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