Saturday, August 17, 2019

"religion is necessary to keep the proles in line" - Stupid Mail

The ubiquitous idiocy of the atheist play-left in the United States and elsewhere in the English speaking world holds that religion is, as Marx said in abbreviation, "the opiate of the masses" when the actual effect of the Mosaic Law and the Christian Gospel, when taken seriously and as a mandatory moral foundation civil law, economic justice or injustice, as most law really comes down to, has exactly the opposite effect.  The fact that it is, actually, in modern officially atheist, officially and brutally anti-religious states that "the proles" have been kept in harsher bondage than they have been in just about all modern democracies, certainly including the comparatively religious United States.  The greatest number of slaves, right now, are in such countries such as North Korea and China.   Atheism is, actually, in the modern context, the ideology most associated with oppression of the masses. 

I, as so many others have noted before that when those held in slavery looked for inspiration for an example of slaves being freed, they looked to Exodus,  that central narrative of the Hebrew Bible and to the Gospel of Jesus, the Epistles and Acts.  

The history of liberation theology in Central and South America and elsewhere is a history of martyrdom of people organizing in resistance to oppression inspired by their reading of the Gospels.   There was a reason the Samosa government bombed the Christian base community at Solentiname as part of its war against Catholics organizing through the church, why St. Oscar Romero was assassinated as he said Mass, why the six Jesuit theologians, their house keeper and her daughter were brutally assassinated, why the Black Churches were bombed and attacked all during the days of official and unofficial slavery, throughout the Jim Crow period and up till today when Churches are burned and Bible study classes of old people are attacked by the likes of Dylan Roof, why Synagogues are attacked, why they were attacked by Nazis, Marxists, fascists, etc.  

As Noam Chomsky once said, the reason those things started happening in reaction to the Second Vatican Council and the theological movements demanding equality and economic justice fell under attack by the CIA and other agencies, why the graduates of the School of the Americas are such notable nun and priest killers, it is because "the Gospel is radical".  It is more radical than Marxism, as is, in fact, the Mosaic law, as is the economic program of even the otherwise reactionary Popes that came after St. John XXIII.   As Bernie Sander correctly said, his economics program is less radical that the Pope's, I believe it was Francis he said it about though, oddly enough, that's probably true of his reactionary predecessor, Benedict XVI.   I know of no secular, certainly no atheist political babbler who is as radical as Walter Brueggemann, none who was as radical as James Cone.  

The utter ignorance of the college-credentialed, anti-religious play-left in such matters is as total an eclipse as they could imagine, attributing such benightedness to religion, alone.  The issuance of such bull shit from them is of such a regularity, of such dependability that it is generally unremarkable.  As I said, having been brought up - though not by my parents - on the academic babble on such thing, I had just bought into the idea that atheism was an intellectual position.  It took the new-atheism, the spectacle of its cover in the "skepticism" industry and fact checking them to begin that unraveling.  sTARBABY as exposed by one of their own, the ultra-asshole-atheist in his own right, Dennis Rawlins,  was very important in breaking through the accretions of habit, being able to fact check atheists and their holdings - few of which stand up to close investigation - has been a constant abandonment of habits of thought and bull shit and lies and, yes, leaving behind the people who will always be more of a help to the gangsters of the left as well as the right such as the new-atheist and the old ones are.  

A political economy governed by The Law and the Gospel would be the most radical redistribution of wealth and power down in the history of the world,  a legal system of civil rights based in the moral teachings of Jesus would shatter the injustice that has constituted the majority of the history of humanity.  

On that I am entirely more willing to think the abolitionists such as David Walker,  Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman were right, on that I am willing to trust the likes of The Reverend Martin Luther King jr.  Cesar Chavez, Dorothy Day, than I am any ideological atheist who, so often, advocates the Marxism that adds total hypocrisy to the brutal gangsterism of fascism - as the Nazis added Darwinism to the mix.  

I'm certainly not willing to trust the idiot who believed that Alexander Nevsky was up against Nazis and who has never demonstrated that he's capable of discerning the truth and certainly seems to have an inherent revulsion to it.  

As I've noted several times in explaining why allowing lies is to only add to the natural advantage they have in that you can make up any old lie that people like to hear, you have to tell even the most unpleasant and hard-to-sell truth to tell the truth.   

Maybe it's because the truth is, in that eternal Freshman whine, haaarrrrrrd!  Atheists are generally quite lazy, mostly a bunch of semi-affluent and affluent self-satisfied slacker boys and the contented cattle of college faculties and the scribbling class, something you can see if you compare their writing to that of someone like Hans Kung or Elizabeth Johnson or Walter Brueggmann.   Brueggemann's exposition of economic justice, flowing directly from The Law, The Prophets and The Gospel is quite coherent.  You can't get that out of biological or material determinism.

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