Friday, May 3, 2019

The Laws Delays Are A Guarantee Of Unequal Justice Favoring the Favored

As I said the other day Lawman Robert Mueller's reported friendship with William Barr after the first two of the three things on the Honorable Mazie Hirono's list of Barr's obstruction for a Republican president and administration was one of the things which led to me being skeptical of his sterling character.  We're not talking about just one lawyer paling around with a lawyer who was also a massive sleazebag, we're talking about a lawyer who had been a prosecutor, who had held several very high offices in federal law enforcement, who, certainly, had sent or would be entirely prepared to send nobodies, the powerless, the middle-class to destitute to prison for far lesser instances of covering up for much pettier criminals over far pettier instances of law breaking.  I would love to have a comprehensive list of the people who Robert Mueller either had put away or helped put away with the information to see what the financial condition of those criminals were as compared to William Barr and those who he helped get away with high crimes up to and including, literally, murder.   

Robert Mueller certainly knew that about William Barr by the time the Republicans and the corrupt judges on that infamous three judge panel set up Ken Starr to chase after Bill Clinton's penis looking for something they could whip up into an impeachable offense - their publicly funded campaign to find an actual crime the Clintons had committed coming up empty.  By that time the OLC memo that William Barr had suppressed over the matter of George H. W. Bush invading Panama to arrest Noriega had come out, it came out early in the Clinton administration.  And the George H. W. Bush's cover-up pardons penned by William Barr were always known.   I can't believe that Robert Mueller, Lawman, would have been social buddies with some other lawyer-gangster who had done things like that.  Call me skeptical, but I doubt he'd maintain a friendship with someone who did that for a Democrat, though, as we know from the Ken Starr investigation, no Democrat has committed those kinds of crimes.   Just like I heard Linda Chavez, as she declared herself a never-Trumper yesterday, praised what he and Mitch McConnell are doing to the judiciary.  I strongly suspect Republican Robert Mueller probably likes that kind of thing, as well.  There are few Republican never-Trumpers who I don't suspect of liking everything about this except the vulgarity and irregularity of it. 

The long, long drama we are sitting through in regard to Robert Mueller is turning into the longest, most absurd and frustrating production of a Becket play in history.  I'm beginning to suspect the godly Godot of this production is never going to get here.   Hearing someone talking on one of the talk shows about how these things take time made me remember another famous scene, the big one, Hamlet Act 3, scene 1

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes

I'm hard put to decide whether Mueller is an example of patient merit or unworthy, an example of the insolence of office or maybe it's that he's too proud of his professional reputation in the law to facilitate justice.  Or maybe he's not all that bothered by what Republicans have been doing in this regard his entire professional career. 

One of the biggest eye-openers for me in this disaster, is the sickening sentimentality that people who have worked as federal prosecutors, in the FBI, in the so-called Department of Justice have for those institutions,  I think someone who ever claims someone is "an institutionalist" within reach of my fist is going to feel it in their teeth.   It has to be willful blindness of the kind that Mueller had to have practiced to be friends with William Barr.  When former prosecutors on MSNBC express their disappointment in their former colleagues, they choose to be blind to the real character of people like James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, William Barr and countless others.  Not just Republicans either, a number of them have either been Democrats or of unknown party affiliation.  That those are the very same people who have set up Robert Mueller in similar terms makes me all the more skeptical of his actual character.  I'm about out of patience with St. Robert Mueller, I'm beginning to think the dragons he slays are more likely on the scale of geckos than Gekkos. 

I strongly suspect that once before the House Judiciary Committee, Robert Mueller will hold himself above the level of disclosure that will be necessary to move us towards safety.  I expect him to be more like a marble statue of justice, than a professional administering it.   The longer he is silent, allowing his buddy Barr to shape the narrative that fits on FOX, the longer he participates in letting Trump and his crime family get away with this and going on to do worse.  I'm fed up with him in a way that is tasting a lot like it was when I'd had enough of James Comey's posing and posturing. 


The habit of media and insider babble sets up the legal arm of the federal government, the courts, and that overlap between the judicial and executive branch that is the bizarre and often bad Department of Justice as being above the vulgarity of politics, as higher than the Congress, of which the House is actually, set up as the most democratic part of the government.  That is the biggest load of crap there is.  I have been researching the history of attempts by Congress and legislatures to get the corrupting influence of money out of our politics and the long and disgusting history of the least democratic part of the government, the Supreme Court in destroying those efforts to clean big money and the influence of the billionaires and millionaires to control the government for their own benefit.  That history, alone, should shatter that absurd hierarchy of repute.  There have been corrupt Houses, we just had one under Paul Ryan, the Senate has always been far more prone to being a corrupt and anti-democratic through its anti-democratic constitution.   The presidency is more characterized by incompetence when it wasn't characterized by corruption.  But none of them have done more to produce the disaster we are in than the Supreme Court.   

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