Sunday, February 24, 2019

Even More And Even Number Hate Mail

Apparently a whole posse of play-lefties got pissy when I noted that the personality trait of narcissistic immaturity, as demonstrated by Jussie Smollett was not rare in those who go into show-biz.   Considering the title of the post where I said that was "More And Number Hate Mail,"  well, Exhibit B, I guess.

I would expect that anyone who went to a college or university- I believe the pissy play-lefties were all college grad -  which had a theater department and a student pub or other place where the theater people would retire to of an evening would certainly have noticed their antics.  They wanted you to look, they wanted you to notice, all the world's a stage.   I was a music major who, once, against the advice of my adviser, was involved with the music for one theatrical production and found out they carried on like that during rehearsals, as well.  I encountered some pretty immature and at times histrionic music majors but never anything like that.  The closest I recall was one particularly annoying alto who quit music because no one would work with her.  Whatever you want to say about musicians, they tend to be more disciplined than theater people, perhaps excluding those who go into musical theater.   Though even there I would point out that the discipline of the music keeps some of that under control until they reach the super-star status that lets them get away with letting their narcissistic immaturity loose.

It's hilarious that anyone could object to the observation that those who act on TV or, maybe worse, in the movies have more than a few self-centered, immature people among them.  Their fellow actors tell story after story about the antics of their fellow actors, not to mention directors, producers, writers, stage and set hands, etc.  They tell on each other, it's a large percentage of the lore of the acting profession, they make plays and movies and TV shows on that theme.  And it's supposed to be objectionable because I pointed out that Jussie Smollett was being accused of a particularly egregious public stunt in line with that, as so many publicity stunts in the past have been.

Even more and even number is what was on display in that comment.   Come to think of it, some blogs that develop a tight, inbred commenting community have a lot in common with most theater departments I've seen.  Children trying to get attention, a blight on the left, nothing to take seriously.


  1. You missed the point...again.

    No, plenty of people in the entertainment industry are narcissistic almost to the point of sociopathy. But to dismiss, entirely, that Smollett wasn't influenced by the progressive extremists obsession with MAGA that he assumed (correctly, for many people in the press and popular media) they wouldn't question his absurd story but believe because they so wanted to everything he said is being blind to the havoc your rigid, unchristian political views can cause.

    Imagine if he hadn't bungled up his "attack" so badly. There would be people in Chicago right now being doxxed and harassed by the good intentioned wannabe tyrants of the left because a crime needs a perpetrator.

    I never said YOU would be, but, again, based on Covington, diligent investigating isn't nearly as important to them as self-righteous attacks on perceived evil people. And when you call those people Nazis, you are encouraging that behavior the way Trump does with his garbage. Not to the same degree, but sin is wide, not deep.

    1. From what I read, those who know him say he was influenced by his boss who told a story about his nephew being attacked, for real. The MAGA claim was just a prop because the MAGA crowd have been violent, encouraged to be violent by Donald Trump, over and over again, caught on camera and video. Any Person of Color or Woman or LGBTQ person or person with a non-English accent, or Democrat or liberal etc. who sees someone wearing MAGA is entirely within their rights to be on their guard because of that encouragement and that history. MAGA is the Trumpzi version of a Nazi armband and a brown shirt. That's a fact that anyone but a straight, white, right-wing man would likely know and which they could rightly claim the right to be wary of. Smollett got the props for his stunt right, which is one of the reasons his claim was believable. That LGBT People of Color are so disproportionately violently attacked - Trans women of Color are one of the most often murdered of identifiable groups - also informed his creativity. No one needs to apologize for observing reality and acknowledging it.
