Saturday, October 27, 2018

Stupid Mail

Simps is a scumbag who would use anything for whatever ignoble purpose he wanted.   I don't care what he says at Eschaton, there are so many like him there.  People like him congregate there. 

Update:  I'd point to the relevant comment the asshole made at Eschaton, with one upvote, but it's more assholish than I'd publish.  Like the Gab social media platform, Duncan will publish just about anything as long as it doesn't criticize him. 


  1. Replies
    1. Scumbags.

      Why don't you put your sock on your hand and answer for "Zod"?

  2. Says the lying piece of shit who knows that I'm a lapsed agnostic -- I used to not know, but now I don't give a shit -- and keeps calling me an atheist.

    1. Simps, the only thing I know about you is that you're a lying scumbag who is also an asshole.

      Let's get back to your sexual undowment. People seemed to be more interested in that, from the number of hits that post got.
