Friday, March 2, 2018

Hate Mail - Breaking Lent For A Minute

Every time you bring up the Holochaust you cheapen it and the memories of those murdered in it. 

The Great Dictator doesn't mention the Nazi murder of Jews at all.  In 1940, when the movie was made, what it generally called "The Holocaust" hadn't really begun, according to some scholars, they date the beginning of that to 1941, though I'm not going to quibble about that.  It's obvious that Charlie Chaplin didn't know about it, I'm not sure he even knew about the already in progress slaughter of the disabled which began the year before he made the movie and which had already been being reported in the media, as had the slaughter of Poles, including Jewish Poles and other Jews and population in lands that the Nazis had invaded by the time Chaplin made his movie. 

We know it to be an incredibly vulgar and stupid thing to snark about Chaplin's movie in regard to the role that Darwinism played in the Holocaust and the other Nazi murders because in his autobiography Chaplin said that if he'd know the extent of the Nazi crimes against humanity he'd never have made the movie.  And subsequent scholarship has proven that the Nazis murders were largely motivated by the theory of natural selection and other aspects of Darwinism as were summed up in the term "Lebensraum," the equivalent of Darwin's prediction that Europeans would wipe out entire races of "inferior" people and live on the land they had occupied and that the results would be salubrious for the human species. That's something that even your one and only authority on the matter, William Shirer, had mentioned in the one book you've read on the topic.   Or rather skimmed.  That Chaplin may not have known about that in 1940 wouldn't come as a huge surprise, he was hardly a major intellectual, great artist though he was.  

Whenever you use the word "Holochaust" you cheapen the meaning of it.  

Update:  If you make a factual refutation of anything I said I might be persuaded to post it, not that there's any chance of that.   The mentions of "getting rid of the Jews" in the movie script I found are part of jokes, equated with getting rid of brunettes, no doubt part of what Chaplin regretted about his movie.    Even in 1940 the movie was regrettable because it was clear the Nazis were already murdering people on their list of those they intended to wipe out.  

Doing what you never do, looking up to see if what I'm saying is true,  here's an account in The New Republic about the first report in the United States about what would become known as the Holocaust, reporting by Vivian Fry on December 22, 1942.   Anyone who made the statement you did about "The Great Dictator" and the Holocaust is as vulgar and stupid as it is uninformed.   I understand that one of your fellow vulgarian idiots at Eschaton made some snark in agreement with you.  As I said, Duncan is left with the dregs of what was, long ago, a much different thing.   

You cheapen the memory of those murdered by the Nazis every time you mention them. 

Update 2:   You really are too stupid to pay any attention to, you and your buddies at Duncan's collection of conceited dunces.   No wonder the boy gave up, he's not talented enough to hold the attention span of adults.   There was a time I'd have been surprised that someone credentialed by Brown could be so thoroughly pedestrian.  But I was over the Ivy covered romanticism a long time ago. 

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