Friday, February 14, 2014

My Hate Mail Bag

tells me that the kewl kids at Baby Blue are still saying the same old things they've been saying, over and over again to each other, day in and day out, for the past eight or nine years.  I've heard of people with seriously disabling OCD obsessions, even worse, really hard core Trekkies,  who had more varied intellectual lives.  Not to mention real lives.   

That's why the left goes nowhere in this country. 


  1. I shamefully admit I was there way past the expiration date, creature of habit that I am.

    A lot of good people with better sense left much, much sooner than I did. I think most groups go through that phase, and sometimes the good prevail, and sometimes the good decide it ain't worth the candle.

    More often the latter, I'm afraid....

  2. Me too. After you've been away for a long time and someone sends you a link to a comment thread, you look back and think, I wasted so many hours on that. They're still saying exactly the same things they were saying back when I was thinking it was past its prime. I expect they'll have a "Trouble with Tribbles" thread sometime soon.

    I don't really care if they talk about me, anymore. It's not as if I expect anyone's paying attention.
