Friday, August 23, 2024

I Only Saw One Saturday Night Live Coneheads Skit

but it's what I thought of when I saw the video of J. D. Vance at the doughnut shop.   If he wasn't so dangerous and so awful I'd almost feel sorry for him, he's clearly not used to human beings.  No wonder he appealed so much to Peter Thiel and Little Donnie.


  1. When you are raised in a broken, violent home, and then actually go to a war zone, (and not just brag about doing it when you really retired early to avoid it) yeah, sometimes you don't ever recover and act, "normal."

    Of course, if he was Dem, and filming himself fucking whores, doing crack, knocking up strippers and abandoning them and the baby...

    You'd defend him because that [D] is all that matters.

    Yes, I know Hunter, despite Joe's best efforts, isn't running for anything.

    But if he were, your defense would be identical. Hell, you were one of the true believers who thought Biden's cognitive decline was a media myth! You probably believe he dropped out of his own accord and without any persuasion.

    And I thought Republicans who called Bush II intelligent were naïve.

    1. I turned my answer into a post. You would seem to agree with me that "J. D. Vance" isn't used to human beings. Nor would it seem that he's exactly used to dogs, either. He's an amoral misogynist and rather bad shape-shifter who wears eye-makeup and has many other issues. I think that Trump will probably try to dump him though I don't think that will work, he's the official nominee of the Republican-fascist party and there's about two weeks till early voting starts.
