Thursday, August 22, 2024

Goddamn 1970s Era Maine Liberals - And I Used To Be One

got our absurdly easy ballot-access laws in.   Those have been used, repeatedly, by Republican-fascists here and nationally to get play-lefty spoilers and just plain nut cases on the ballot to the benefit of some of the worst Republican-fascists in the country.   The putrid Paul LePage, the vile, racist 38 percent Governor,  Trump before Trump, human bowling-jacket (nod to Charles Pierce) is just one of the products of that 70s era liberal stupidity. 

Now it's gotten the egotistical false prophet Cornel West on the ballot.   I think it's unlikely to benefit Trump and Republican-fascists because Cornel West is too fringy even for our stupidest play-lefties here but we've been burned, over and over again from the firngiest of the fringe before.   Cornel West is someone I once respected and took seriously but that was decades ago.   Anyone who enables Trump in 2024 is someone who I doubt could ever win back my good will and he is just such an enabler.    If someone wants to know if there is an ego bigger than Trump's in American life, West would be in the running.  That his ego is being stroked by his enablement of the most racist figure and campaign and party in modern American history should burn to the ground his entire, previous legacy.

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