Friday, June 3, 2022

The Congress, The President, The American People Should Not Respect Supreme Court Rulings More Than The Roberts-Alito Court Does

WHILE THINKING ABOUT the Roberts-Alito Court bulldozing anything good that has been done by the Supreme Court and, even more so the Congress and Executive in more than a century of hard won progress, the whole idea of why anyone, the Congress, the President, other courts, state and local governments should respect the rulings of the Supreme Court when the Supreme Court disrespects rulings by the Supreme Court doesn't seem to me to be gone into very much, if at all.  I think it's time we started showing the same lack of respect to  this Supreme Court rulings that this Court does.  The Roberts-Alito Court proves, over and over again, it deserves no respect, it is the most malignant force in American life, today.  That it is allowed to operate as it does must call into question everything about that Court and its effect in the governance of the United States.

Since the Roberts-Alito court is destroying the struggle to finally make the United States a country with equality under the law, something that Court has put a lie to even as that's what it says over the door to that Bluebeard's Castle of corruption and evil they sit in claims to provide, why anyone should go along with it WHEN THEY ARE OVERTURNING SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SUPREME COURT PRECEDENT THAT SO OFTEN CORRUPT BODY HAS SET DOWN, the claim that there is any kind of a moral obligation for the other branches of the government to abide by not only past precedents of the kind this court is abolishing, by fiat, but their present and novel rulings is one of the most absurd of our civic pieties.  

If abiding by the Court's decisions is such a moral imperative, why aren't the Supreme Court members bound by that as a fast and hard obligation?  The Court, itself, since it has usurped the legislative and executive function in its claimed power to abolish law made by a majority in Congress and either signed into law by the President or through the inaction in allowing it to become law without that signature, has certainly proclaimed it has no reciprocal obligation to respect laws made by a far larger AND ELECTED body and the President who, if this were a real instead of a sham democracy set up by slave-owners, land thieves and speculators and corrupt financiers, is theoretically the choice of The People as a whole.  

It seems to me that the Supreme Court has rigged things so that it has even more extraordinary powers than both of the elected bodies of the Federal Government put together and those on the basis of an anti-democratic selection and, with Republican-fascism under the likes of McConnell et al, an openly corrupt and rigged system.  If you put together those "justices" on the current court, put there by men put there by 1. Supreme Court usurpation in the 2000 election and 2. The corrupt Electoral College and collusion by billionaires (enabled, knowingly, through Supreme Court action in the Citizens United case) it is rightly seen as an illegitimate body under the claims of the United States Constitution and its plain reading theory of government which has, through its own and past Courts' extra-Constitutional power grabs, and it is hardly done grabbing and hoarding power to itself.

It's time for the Congress and President to not just put the Court on notice but to actually strip it of the power grab that was made by the Taney Court to attempt to protect and extend slavery to the entire country in its claimed power to abolish duly enacted Federal laws.  It is time for the Court to be put under real and effective and CONSEQUENTIAL rules prohibiting corrupt action, it is well past time for Court terms to run no more than one decade, the stupidity of giving them lifetime terms without any real recourse for removal of them, leaving it up to them to decide when they go, either during the lifetimes or as they are carried out feet first, has shown the best and the brightest of them are no better at deciding when to go than the worst, most corrupt and most power hungry.  

If Democrats pull off a miracle and they actually control Congress and the White House - and I mean in a way that makes the likes of Manchin and Sinema irrelevant - they must act in unprecedented ways.  Why should they be bound by precedent when the Roberts-Alito Court and no other Supreme Court acknowledges they are bound by it?  This corrupt and damnable Court has proven they are no legitimate or safely considered makers of such decisions as to when to overturn precedent or to set it.  There is no reason to consider the freshest ruling of the Supreme Court as being any more legitimate than the Court has the Voting Rights Act or Roe v. Wade or the myriad of other Supreme Court decisions OR DULY ENACTED LAWS PASSED BY AN ELECTED CONGRESS.  

To allow the Supreme Court to disregard those duly enacted laws and nullify them by fiat of an un-elected 5-4 or 6-3 UNELECTED, corruptly and partisanly selected Court majority, WHILE THEY DO THE SAME TO UNANIMOUS RULINGS OF PAST COURTS is to allow them a measure of power which is not only a contradiction of government of, by and for The People, it is to guarantee that the nature of the United States Government will be against those and for the oligarchs these corrupt court members really represent.

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