Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Perpetual Cud Chewing Contented Cattle Of The College Credentialed English Speaking Peoples

KNOWING THAT I HAVE brought up the most over-covered four people in the history of show-biz so as to tease the twit who tolls me the most, a slavish acolyte of that PR altar, I am asked what I think of the recent regurgitation of ancient footage of their break up.  No doubt you know who I mean without me having to type the "B" word.  

My first response is not only have I not seen it you'd have to pay me to watch it because I don't care about it.  My second one is that the thing sent to me to read would indicate that George was the really smart mophead (which I already figured) since he was the one who realized he had way more money than he was ever going to need and that playing with a-holes like John and Paul wasn't enjoyable so he pulled the plug on the thing.  I have slightly more respect for him since reading that, if that's what you mean.  

As for any of it mattering,  No.  Not a bit.  It's worse than the endless goings over of the Monty Python material or the, no doubt, forthcoming remake of Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.    I'd be less bored if I listened to the ruminated regurgitated cud about The Golden Girls that started showing up on my Youtube side panel for some reason.  I could stand hearing Bea Arthur a few more times before that got old.   And I won't watch that, either. 

It's so funny that with the myriad of new stuff that you can get for free on the internet so many people use the thing primarily to go over and over and over . . . and over and over and over the same crap they've already heard or seen or read or thought.  As if they're going to get anymore from that.  Even cows and goats only do it once, the contented cattle of the college-credentialed-English-speaking Peoples don't seem to ever let it go. 

steve simelsNovember 30, 2021 at 10:45 AM

I usually say that anybody who professes not to get the greatness of the Beatles music is just being difficult.

In your case, I will add that anybody who can compare the Beatles to the Golden Girls is too stupid to be allowed to use a knife and fork. :-)


Well, that's my point, Simps, if there's something usually said, you'll say it.  You only say the usual, that's what the profession of being a pop-critic consists of.   Of course I was commenting on the regurgitation of the lore of their breakup and associated trivia that couldn't be more trivial.  Though there's nothing about their music that wasn't said many times over, the usual that you usually say over and over again. 

Where did I make a comparison of the over-praised four and the Golden Girls except to say that I didn't care to hear anymore about them?   In that the comparison is entire apt because I don't want to hear anymore about them.  I might listen to Bea Arthur in something I hadn't heard before, her legacy not being something that gets repeated endlessly like those other things I listed.  I've heard enough of Betty White. She got over-exposed this last decade or so. Though  I might be able to watch that nasty character she played on Mary Tyler Moore's show, that was funny and I haven't seen it since it first ran.

1 comment:

  1. I usually say that anybody who professes not to get the greatness of the Beatles music is just being difficult.

    In your case, I will add that anybody who can compare the Beatles to the Golden Girls is too stupid to be allowed to use a knife and fork. :-)
