I GENERALLY LIKE LEWIS BLACK, though when he's not infrequently wrong he's wrong in the general way that I spend a lot of my time here railing against. I have found from listening to his Youtube channel "Rantcast" a few times that sometimes he's a lot funnier than other times. If it's worth listening to, I couldn't predict any particular day.
I, of course, think his free-speech absolutism BS is as dated and dangerous and quaint as his recent use of that most quaint of all 1950s era naughtiness, nudism, to repeat an argument to throw at the anti-mask nut cases. That antic he staged using teenage topless girls on a bus in NYC to exert his "freedom of speech" was pretty disgusting. Not to mention typical of a male in that milieu before second wave feminism. Why he didn't flash his own junk like a decent degenerate and get into even more PR generating trouble is what I'd ask him. Could it be that even for a bold, brave free-speech absolutists there are limits to what they'll do for their "free speech?" Like using their own body to make that statement? Since he claimed that it was advertising (I guess for his own career) he wouldn't have used his own junk for that but had no problem using teenage girls' bodies to do it along with those fucking assholes at the Opie and Anthony show.
Of course the reason for that is that the white-males of free-speechy "comedy" never put their own sweet fat on the line, they use other people for that.
I hate show-biz for the most part. I once told a brother in law who encouraged me to go back to watching TV because of "the good things it has on" that if someone poured a bag of quarters into a cesspool I wouldn't go diving in it to find them. "Comedy" is like that, too, but it's generally a few dimes with a couple of dollar coins thrown in. Lewis Black generates a few dimes and maybe, once in a while,a dollar, but I don't go looking for the chance to find them on a regular basis. I like funny stuff but comedy, like "pop music" is shockingly deficient of what it's supposed to be made of, these days.
Last Update:

really? I thought he was a Scot. Like Duncan. What's the difference
between a Scot and a Sot? The Scot maintains the blog the sot lies on.
When Simps plays that card what he really means is "I got nuttin'."
he ain't no Groucho or Jack Benny. He ain't no Fran Liebowitz who is
funnier in just about any interview I've heard her give than everything
I've heard Lewis Black produce. Lewis Black can be funny, just not as
often as you'd think a career as a comedian would require. He doesn't do
what he does as well as Zero Mostel did. Or the late, great Maury
Chaykin in that last show he did.
Opie and Anthony aren't
Jewish, how do you explain what I said about them? I didn't call Lewis
Black a fucking asshole, though I will stipulate that you are one.
As soon as I post this I am going to copy it to the right thread, to make up for your senility.
Good god, you're a schmuck.
ReplyDeleteHere's a clue, asshole. You don't know Lewis Black. I do. He's an old friend of mine. I went to his wedding.
And this comment -- "Not to mention typical of a male in that milieu before second wave feminism." -- proves you're an ignoramus bluestocking prig whose opinions on anything aren't worth the paper they're not printed on.
Fuck you bigoted piece of shit. How dare you pretend to be enlightened if you can type that crap.
My question as to why he didn't make a display of his own junk if it was his "free speech" he was exercising like any decent degenerate was funnier than anything I've heard on his Youtube channel.
DeleteI knew you'd name-drop him, I was trolling you though I am disappointed to find out that he is so very unevenly funny.
"My question as to why he didn't make a display of his own junk if it was his "free speech" he was exercising like any decent degenerate was funnier than anything I've heard on his Youtube channel. "
ReplyDeleteYou wish. You've never said ANYTHING funny, let alone that.
I wouldn't expect you to get my humor,you're too stupid and some of it has made you the butt of the joke.
Delete"I wouldn't expect you to get my humor"
ReplyDeleteThere ISN'T any of your humor. You're the single most humorless and utterly without wit and irony shithead on the planet. You're the poster clod for the absence of anything amusing in human history.
I'll bet Trump doesn't get it when people make him the butt of the joke, either. You've got that in common, I'll bet he thought Lewis Black's topless teen bus stunt was hilarious, too.
DeleteLewis Black can be funny. On occasion, the occasion just doesn't come around so often.