Friday, July 30, 2021

We Change Or We Die And If We Don't Change We May Be Too Stupid To Live Indications From The United States Point In That Direction

WHILE VIROLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY have made huge advances even during some of our lifetimes, producing far better, far safer vaccines much faster, none of that is anything like science understanding all issues necessary to determine and produce essential vaccines, treatments, public recommendations and policies and laws. It is stupid to think that's anything like a guarantee.

The movie view of science being omnipotent and omniscient (no wonder so many movie and TV addicts figure on it as a substitute for God)  the fact is it isn't anywhere near that, no, not even if we might need it to be or no matter how we cling onto that idea.  If you hold that idea science is bound to lead to disappointment and scientists and science fan-boys who present it as such are setting up the public to be serially disappointed and, so, to become as cynical, jaded and unrealistically dishonest about science as the self-believing smart set are about God.   And to have that cynical and jaded view of science manipulated by con men, gangsters and media liars - many of whom couldn't care less about the truth but game the situation to benefit their careers.  You wanna bet that those moral cesspools Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson believe any of what they say and were not among the first to get the vaccine for themselves as it became available?   We know for a fact their boss, Rupert Murdoch did, arriving to get his fetid old carcass vaccinated with a retinue in a fleet of Land Rovers early on.

There was never any guarantee that the best that science could do in trying to contain and prevent the Corvid-19 pandemic would work 100% or 68% or even come up with a permanent fix for what is almost certainly a casually human-caused viral pandemic that we now know might alter human life and society for good.  It may well be outside of the power of science to do what is needed in time, especially as the virus itself changes and forces human life and society into new and far less enjoyable patterns.  If this one Delta strain of the virus can do that, there is no reason to believe that another one won't be worse, perhaps overcoming the vaccines so far developed even more so than this one has proven capable of doing.  Especially in the petri dish that the unvaccinated here and elsewhere have been. 

Among the many things this pandemic is forcing us to face is that media such as FOX, such as the myriad of billionaire gangster lie pushers cannot be allowed to lie with the abandon our inadequate and dangerous current interpretation of "free press" doctrine permits.   This resurgence is, for now, rightly called a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" but it is far more a pandemic of those who bought Republican-fascist lies as peddled by Murdoch and multi-billionaire financed media on behalf of that gangster class, here, in Britain, in Russia, etc.   Their lies have the potential to get millions if not billions killed and that is simply not going to be sustainable as such viruses take hold of the enormous human population few of whom are entirely isolated from contact with such viruses.  

And that's just the start of it.  Large indoor gatherings could well be a thing of the past if the worst that is imaginable about this pandemic is even partly true.  Unmasked public appearance could be a thing of the past if that's the case, the normal pre-Covid-19 world could be something that is unsustainable in large part now.  Office buildings, in-person schooling, religious services,  live concerts, etc. there is no guarantee that those can be a permanent part of human society and life. 

If, as all indications seem to indicate, this is yet another human pandemic of horrific potential that came from the meat industry, that's something that may be unsustainable in today's world.   The mass holding of animals to be slaughtered for human consumption, especially in the cruel ways that is done in such markets as the one this is suspected of having given rise to, may prove to be fatal to the human population.   I have mentioned here before listening to Matthew Meselson, the eminent micro-biologist, specialist in such matters as chemical and biological weapons, etc. on the CBC program As It Happens and him shocking the interviewer when he said that it was not impossible for such a disease as the "bird flu" or other such livestock-human originating viruses to come up with one that could wipe out the human population.  If a virus with that potential arose it would require the most sweeping of changes to prevent our extinction and, as such viruses are given the chance to rise ever more from human practices and human population growth, I'd guess that potential is ever more likely to happen.  And there have been pandemics which have a fraction of that potential which have forced huge changes in human life and habits.  The Black Death which wiped out about a third of the human species forced huge changes including, so I recently read, the invention of quarantine.   

And I don't see much in the way of conversion to veganism over this. 

This ain't nearly over, there's no guarantee that even the best that the best we've got will be able to save us, not even with their best and most heroic efforts - and those are certainly failing due to our idiotic refusal to admit that the mass media cannot be permitted to lie with impunity on behalf of gangsters and fascists - yet we call that "freedom" and "democracy".   If we are too stupid as a species to see the problem with that must be fixed and right now, maybe we're too stupid as a species to have even the best of us save us from ourselves and our lazy, stupid, selfish weakness.


  1. In re: masks. There was an interesting story on Raw Story, from CNN. An interview with an NYC gallery owner ranting about masks. He was okay with vaccinations, but terribly upset about masks.

    Which connects to a Defense (or was it State) official in the Philippines (? I should remember these things) deplaning with a mask and face shield on. Critics of Biden predictably went nuts. But it was pointed out mask wearing in Asian countries is quite common.

    It’s cultural, not physiological. Some people insist they can’t wear masks, and a tiny number actually can’t. But most of us could learn to live with it, for our own safety. Apparently GOP office holders can’t stand the thought, which perplexes me no end.

    1. If maskaphobics (they got a million of 'em) can't overcome it, let them stay home.

      I wonder if the gallery owner found them to be aesthetically offensive. Some in the world of the arts are mindbogglingly stupid.

      I'm about two days away from saying we should put the Covid-Marys all together so they can kill themselves off to protect the rest of us. Republican-fascists are going to get us all killed, their minions in the media are going to try to place the blame for that on the rest of us.

      Last I read Duterte was talking about making vaccination a requirement with those who refused being arrested. They should count their stars lucky if he stops at that, Trump adored him for his murder campaign. Maybe this was all Trump compensating for not being able to be able to kill people he wanted to.
