Thursday, July 29, 2021

By Their Fruits You Will Know Them But In Some Cases Only If You've Read Them To Know The Difference In The First Place

SIMPS WHO IS AGAIN IN TIME OUT maybe permanently, this time, equates the Bible with classical Greek and Norse mythology, dismissing the very thing which allowed the  Jewish People to continue in diaspora as a coherent group as mere "folk lore".   Which, considering his first resort in disagreement is to attribute "antisemitism" to everyone he doesn't like and the many perhaps most he finds he can't argue with because he's spent his lifetime with his ears and eyes stuck to pop culture and commercial entertainment, is stupid.

The Jewish tradition, especially as interpreted in the Christian tradition in the past century produced the great Civil Rights movement - all you have to do is listen to the speeches, listen to the songs of that movement to hear that,  Though you'd have to have read enough of it, especially the Mosaic books to get that.  

The Norse tradition, especially as interpreted  by Wagner and  would-be scientific romantic era anthropology and linguistics, the romantic era would-be scientific study of folk lore, produced Nazism.  

By their fruits you will know them, someone said.   And science often determines the nature of things unseen from the visible effects of them which are observable.   Seems to demonstrate a significant effect that can be judged for the truth and so goodness of it, one leading to freedom, the other to genocidal oppression.

UPDATE:  I'll bet Darwin's defender believes he's got me this time.  He's the Elmer Fudd of polemic discourse.

It is as indisputable that the genocidal policy of the Nazis is a direct result of Darwinism as other aspects are a result of the influence of Norse mythology under the phony presentation of that by Wagner as well as romantic era German anthropology and folklore. Darwin's theory of natural selection was easily mixed with that poison, I've proved that over and over again here (search for "natural selection" in the search window to the left).  I've demonstrated that in the primary documentary record left by the Darwinists and the Nazis and, by the way, the current neo-Nazi movement.  

I have never denied one more thing though I've never gone into it far, that the very same romantic era anthropology, linguistics and folklore produced Darwinism - if you doubt that look with a critical eye at the things cited by Darwin to support his claims and also those of his major German supporter and promoter, Ernst Haeckel.  I know that somewhere I pointed out that much of their "scientific evidence" was nothing more than folk lore.  In the beginning it was that level of gossipy junk being used to support the Brit ruling class anthropology and economic folk lore of Thomas Malthus, irrationally applying his claims to the entirety of nature and, along the way, of arguing against everything that is moral and decent in human culture.   Again, look at my citation of the primary documentary record as left by Darwin, Haeckel, etc. and the Nazis and Anglo-American neo-Nazism right now. 

UPDATE 2: It occurs to me, reading this to correct it, that any scientific assertion of human inequality will inevitably be used to support the rule of gangsters and that as long as science is in the hands of an aristocracy of some kind, it will be looking to support that inequality.  If something as inherently egalitarian as the Jewish moral tradition - the Christian moral tradition being a part of that tradition - can be corrupted by aristocratic, gangster gaming, the by-choice amorality of science will render it even more vulnerable to that use by an elite that can sway it that way.  I'm pretty confident I'd find the evidence of that but it's just a theory that I just came up with.  But I'd never claim it to be true without finding the supporting evidence after subjecting it to testing by contradictory evidence.  I do respect the method of careful, responsible scholarship, of which the scientific method is supposed to be a subscriber.  But we're all only human in the end.

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