Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It's Not Exactly Method But It Might Explain Some Of The Madness

IN CASE ANYONE is under the impression that when I talked about my garden taking up a lot of time that I meant a hobby or post stamp sized garden,  I'm not. My gardening is far more a matter of subsistence than that.  I'd never have been able to maintain myself in my chosen work if I didn't also fill a freezer and lots of canning jars during the summer, something which the terrible drought that human caused global warming has made far harder this as also last year.  I can't manage to water everything in my garden but what I must takes up a couple of hours every day.  And then there's the weeding, dealing with pests (neither of which seems to have suffered much from the drought.  If I could eat crab grass and rag weed I wouldn't have any trouble.  I don't know the nutritional value of aphids, squash and bean beetles, cut worms but I'm not going to turn to insect eating.  Though I can understand  why so many human cultures do eat them, especially species that infest human crops.  These things are why things here have the shape they do during the summer.   Makes me more ornery too.  I do think it helps me to imagine how a drought or famine as encountered by people in the ancient near-east might have said some of the things they did.  So there's something in it for my topics here there as well.

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