Friday, March 26, 2021

Accusations of "Early Onset" By An Eternal Adolescent

BEING DEPRIVED OF an income and the social interaction of teaching this past year has left me appreciating how associations had through those can keep us focused on the more mundane aspects of normal life such as which week it is.  And my mistake wasn't as bad as forgetting which day of the week it is - a common enough thing in the prime of life.  The church calendar that I got confused about for a couple of days last week surrounds both moveable and unmovable dates, that of Christmas is fixed, though the beginning of advent is tied to the date on which a Sunday four weeks before that falls, that of Easter is dependent on the day of the Passover, related to the date of the full moon and the vernal equinox.  Since I doubt you could have articulated the previous information in this paragraph, no, I don't think the confusion was a sign of "early onset dementia."   For a start, at my age there would be nothing "early onset" about it. 

I really am unimpressed with scientistic, materialistic, atheism as an intellectual phenomenon, that's one of the largest effects that the atheism fad of the 00's left me with.  I had been going in that direction because starting with CSICOP, such pop atheists as Paul Kurtz and Carl Sagan and, for Pete's sake, the even lower levels of James Randi and Michael Shermer and Penn Jillette and a whole shitload of Brit poseurs being its public face and wildly popular among college credentialed, uneducated members of the English Speaking Peoples, they're a bunch of fakes and phonies replacing derision and dismissal and, in a few such as Sagan and Kurtz, badly sourced and researched intellectual folklore for honest research and presentation of information.   

It's no wonder that one of those so-credentialed people would mistake what is said on serious topics for bullshit because their entire experience of intellectualism comprises such bullshit, largely out of the world of ersatz pop-intellectualism and the ill informed common received wisdom of TV era kulcha or the smart aleck wise-cracking which is an emblem of the slacker whose pretense replaces any level of honest investigation.   The kind of people who think Stephen Fry is a brilliant intellectual, who so often represented James Randi as a figure of science to me.

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