Monday, May 11, 2020

Didn't sleep at all last night, overwhelmed with pandemic news.  These latest things about what it's doing to young people has really shaken me.   And every indication is that it's going to not be over for a long time, if it can come back once (the resurgence in Wuhan, for example) , it can come back again.   And the US didn't even take the necessary steps for this first wave of it.  

I'm going to try to get some sleep because I'm wiped out.  

I have decided I'm going to go back to the theology posts because they help and because they show a way out of the disaster vulgar materialism and the ideological variety have led us into.   One thing is clear, we can't rely on the American Constitution to protect us because it is the very thing which imposed Trump on us, both through federalism, through the electoral college and through the permission the media was given to lie about Democrats for the profit of its owners through the badly written First Amendment.  And the civic religion, the false religion of the law, won't allow that to be said.  Anything which disallows the truth to be said is the way of death.   We are on that way.  

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