Saturday, May 16, 2020

Blogger Seems To Have Reset My Settings When I De-Crapified My Computer - Didn't know that happened

Being surprised at being notified comments were posted here,  apparently someone doesn't like that I advocated an inexpensive hobby that people might enjoy as they communicated with people they don't know in a context which could't transmit a virus. And which might motivate them to learn something about simple electronics.  What an odd thing to feign offense at.  I think as I smirk.

I guess snobs are offended when grown-ups won't share in their snobbery.  Well, living in the same town I grew up in, seeing many of the people I went through school with, it's the kew-el  kids who seem the least happy in later life.   Once you get out of high school, you're free of that bull shit unless you miss it.  

Snobbery is a sure sign of a lesser mind.  Especially when it's over the price of something.  I'm a lot more impressed with someone who can  maximize their use of a transceiver of less than a watt than with someone who spends thousands on flashy junk. 

Apparently someone who bothered to listen to some of the video didn't understand his joke about clergymen lying as compared to vocational occupations, something the audience got.  The talk was given by The Late Reverend George Dobbs. It's a good example of the good natured anti-snobbery I was talking about being typical of those radio bugs I've encountered. 

And now I've got to go reset my preferences. 

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