Thursday, April 23, 2020

Two Complaints Addressed

I started the practice of putting passages of quoted material in italics at the suggestion of the estimable Echidne of the Snakes when I was her weekend fill-in writer.  I didn't like how it looked in just italics so I put the italics in bold and still think it's an excellent way to differentiate between what is my fault and what isn't the fault of those I quote.

I started putting the initial letters of paragraphs in bold and the first letter in a post in bold large font when I read the book Ogily On Advertising, he said it made it easier for someone to navigate text.   When I decided to go san-serif I found I didn't like the look of it as well but kept it for the initial letter.  I think if several of the idiots who troll me hadn't snarked about me doing it I might have dropped it entirely by now but I figure if they don't like it it at least has the merit of annoying them.  I figure this has to be fun for me, since I don't make any money out of it

Update:  And here's another one, apparently I'm to be faulted for having read the front material of a book I've read and written about.  What's that, like that old rule of faux-etiquette that you weren't supposed to eat the parsley garnish?   Hey, if I paid for the friggin' book, I'm reading every word of it, Bud. 

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