Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sometimes Atheists Being So Allergic To Knowing What They're Talking About Makes It Too Easy

To the moronic instant atheist hate-mailer who took objection to my point about atheists claiming "the atom" as their replacement for a cross or star of David . . .  Here's what the online-atheist equivalent of sacred scripture, Wikipedia says.

The atomic whirl is the logo of the American Atheists, and has come to be used as a symbol of atheism in general as some American Atheist members claim.

The Atomic Whirl is based on the Rutherford model of the atom which is proven wrong, erroneously showing the orbital paths of electrons around the central nucleus, and not on the atomic orbitals which is a near perfect experimental approximation. [which, by the way, don't "look like" one of those, either.] It resembles the authoritative logos and symbols of the United States Atomic Energy Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency who also based their designs on the erroneous Rutherford Model. The symbol is used by the American Atheists organization to symbolize that "only through the use of scientific analysis and free, open inquiry can humankind reach out for a better life".

Yeah, tell them that at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Lake Chagan,  Fukushima, Chernobyl  and the environs around such scientific-industrial sites as are found in Britain, the United States and elsewhere.  

Though, atheism always being, essentially, an ideology stuck in late 18th, through late 19th century scientistic materialism, their being out of date with modern science on their symbolism is to be expected. 

Update:  Well, I've been telling you that the atheist "brain trust" were too stupid to even keep up with their own ideology, why are you surprised when they prove it over and over again?   I didn't even bother to look at the link, I can guess which pseudonyms are involved.  They are conceited idiots by choice.  Informed, they ain't. 

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