Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Unitary Executive Is Guaranteed To Be A Pathological Criminal

There is something really unpleasing when you find out your seemingly paranoid suspicions the reason your family's Covid-19 testing seems to a. not be that high a priority as they're hospitalized with serious symptoms consistent with the virus, b. when they finally do test they screw up the first test and, c. when they finally retest the results are "inconclusive" but you're still under a quarantine order (overt for her, assumed for those of us who got infected by her) . . . when you hear that medical experts  in Washington State were told to stop testing people because the numbers were not Trump regime friendly, you realize there was nothing paranoid about it.   

I'd rather have been wrong about that, though I never really believed it wasn't among the most rational explanations for what was going on. 

Trump is proof that an absolute monarch is a guarantee of a crime spree conducted under the morality of the worst of gangsters.   And that's what the Federalist Society, the Ivy Leaguer unitary executive theorists are pushing as what our system should be.  

And Bernie wants a chance to tear down Biden before Florida and Georgia were Biden will lock down the nomination.  I guess my hopes for Sanders doing the right thing are what is wishful thinking.  

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