Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Night After Primary Night Thoughts

I would say that the Bernie Bot online media is doubling down now that it's certain he will not be the nominee,only they're not that strong so I'll say they're quartering down.  Everything from "principled" non-voting to third-party to Bernie write-in for the November election, the one that counts, they are deluded enough to be calling for a repeat of 2000 and 2016. 

Seeing that so many of them are still venting their tantrums against Elizabeth Warren, I wonder what would happen if, as his price for an early endorsement to Biden, Sanders demanded that she be Biden's running mate, what would the Bernie Bots who have been venting non-stop at Warren for months, now, do?

Would they turn on their guy like the former AOC-can-do-no-wrong chorus that Sam Seder and Michael Brooks were members of turned on her for being so off the party-line as to say they liked Warren's Saturday Night Live appearance?   I am also beginning to notice that those play-lefty boys have got a real problem when it comes to women, other than idiots like Jamie Peck and Nomiki Konst and Krystal Ball.   If I were Digby, I'd wonder if I really wanted to be associated with them.  

I wouldn't put it past their comment threads to turn in that direction as so many of them are obvious Putin-rent-boy-trolls anyway.    Sam might, he's been clipping from his babbling with one of Glenn Greenwald's hirelings, Ryan Grim, I'm at the point where I consider anyone who has anything to do with those in the employ of Greenwald or anyone who is pushing the bull shit that Julian Assange is some kind of hero of the left is either a knowing collaborator or a stupid dupe of the Putin-Republican-fascist side. 

I can't help but note how long the history of being Soviet and now Russian dupes has been on the American play-left and even some of the arguably fringe members of the real left (the left that wins elections and does things).  Though I think a lot of that on the real left is done because they are afraid of pissing off the play-lefties.  Which is why we have to build a winning left that rejects even that and plans around avoiding them.  I do think some of it is motivated by money, I think there is Putin or other billionaire gangster money involved in at least some of the bigger venues of it.  I'm certain there is behind Wikileaks. 

The level-headed guy who posts occasional comments here,  Rustypickup, has noted that he did what so few have done, gone to Bidens' website to look at his policy proposals and he, rightly, notes that Biden's positions in 2020 are a solidly progressive platform.  I think with the rejection of Sanders and the failure of the Warren campaign to get traction with a larger percentage of the Democratic primary voters one of the meanings of this is that a Biden platform might be the farthest that we can realistically get until after the election.  But without Trump and the Republican-fascists being defeated we won't even get as far as that.  

* I think some of that is because of Sanders declaring AFTER SHE DID but that's not what this is about. I think some of it is reluctance to take a chance that there are enough non-sexists who would vote for her or, as is also reasonable, that the media would attack her on the basis of gender in a way that they won't a man.  But I think she would be a far better chance to bet on than Sanders who, apparently, couldn't get his perhaps more imaginary than he wanted to believe youth vote out.  I'll bet a lot of them wouldn't come out in the general election even with him as the nominee.  Maybe they were a lot less into him than his true believers advertised them as being. 

Sanders has a chance to go down in infamy, enabling a second-Trump regime or he can work to repair the damage that he and his true-believers have done to the Democratic Party.   I doubt that he'll be able to turn around the click-bait podcasters and Youtubers for whom stoking childish rage is their bread and butter, but if he doesn't try to, his name will be dirt. 

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