Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Gradualism Of Orgainzed Crime Government And The Media That Aids It Even As It Opposes It

The Nazis in their earliest years in power were notably reluctant to start killing people in large numbers right away, not officially, that is.  Apart from officially  unofficial incidents such as the political murders that started even before The Night of the Long Knives, Hitler's mass murder of political opponents and rivals, many of them in the Nazi Part itself in 1934, the Nazi's use of capital punishment as they were gradually extending their dictatorial control of Germany, was relatively moderate, perhaps even compared to the Weimar years.

It is rarely mentioned that when the Nazis first came into power, they were cautious about using the death penalty. In the beginning, they did not wield much power and they feared an uprising if they were to execute their own people.

At the Plotzensee Prison, only 45 people were sentenced to death between 1933 and 1936. That figure would be dwarfed in later years. In the beginning of the Nazi regime, Hitler was concerned by the idea of judicial execution varied throughout the nation. There was the guillotine, hanging, shooting, and perhaps most gruesome, an axe. Hitler established a standard means of execution in order to put “miscreant citizens to death;” as reported by the Daily Mail. In the beginning, Hitler was reluctant to use the guillotine, as it evoked the feel of the French Reign of Terror. He much preferred the use of concentration camps.

‘At least we have not set up a guillotine,’ Hitler said in a news-paper interview at the end of 1933. ‘Even the worst elements have only needed to have been separated from the nation.’ 

I'm pointing this out as a warning to those who are foolish or lazy or corrupt enough to not take the brutality and thuggishness among federal police agencies and the encouragement Trump has been to even the appalling treatment of babies, toddlers and other young children of color, that if this isn't crushed out of practice, we could be seeing the beginnings of something that can get far worse, very fast.   

I am so disturbed to find that a dangerously large percentage of Americans are OK enough with the brutality that has been exposed or who, if confronted will lie that they don't believe it.   If there is a danger to American egalitarian democracy, of even decency, it resides in the corrupted minds of those who still support Trump, even with - perhaps in many cases BECAUSE of this kind of brutality to such as the children being held in concentration camps.  That is clearly OK with William Barr and scum like the head of "Homeland Security" who know exactly what is going on and, by their tacit or active support of it continuing are as guilty as any other criminal against humanity.  And that is certainly true of other alleged law enforcement officials polluting the Department of "Justice" and other agencies of government.  It is absolutely true of those sworn to uphold the Constitution as they witness this in silence, as virtually every Republican in the Congress has been this far into the revelations.

This is nothing less than a crisis situation that is showing every sign of getting worse.  The support Trump and Republicans continue to have, especially with their ratfucking of every election they can to prevent a democratic vote and majority rule, is directly analogous to what the Nazis did in the early 1930s to gain power, it is certainly similar to how the Brits have allowed the right-wing to dominate that country.   

We've got to face that a country that would do what we now know ours does to babies and toddlers in Republican concentration camps is capable of doing a lot worse.  It is the same country that accepted Reagan's terror campaigns against the same peoples in the same countries from which they have to flee now.  This isn't something that started with Trump, if you want an official start to it, you can go to Reagan's start of his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi with overt appeals to racists.  With, of course, implausible but effective deniability, that's now a lot of this works. 


The corruption of an effective margin, sufficient for someone like Trump to come to hold the presidency, though, is a product of media propaganda.   When someone like Rachel Maddow or Charles Pierce decries the role that lies have come to play in producing the Trump regime, lies spread by the "social media" by FOX and hate-talk radio jocks, they come as close as they ever will to admitting that it is their line of work, as practiced by the allowed rules under current "First Amendment" doctrine and dogma as advocated by lawyers and accepted by judges and "justices".   But they never take it to the core of what it means.  When Rachel Maddow has on lawyers from the division of the ACLU who deal with immigrants rights, with reproductive rights, she doesn't ever point out that everything they do in court is undermined if not undone by the division that argues to permit lies to permeate our collective state of mind, and it's clear that the state of the American mind, is dangerously corrupted after sixty years of increasing "free speech -free press" in ways that it seldom was before that expansion of the liberty to lie.

For me, in the about fifteen years I've been making that point, it became immediately clear that thinking critically about the matter of lies in the mass media is one of the very few areas of forbidden speech.  Pointing out the consequence of an effective margin buying broadcast lies is to be suppressed - yes, it's a thought crime to openly discuss that the "Constitutional" "right to lie" does to egalitarian democracy.   It is more disreputable among refined people of fashion to point these things out than it is to make mild noises in support of murderous dictators and depravity.  I would expect that advocating infanticide at most faculty parties, if you put it in the terms the nice, university-based "ethicists" do, would be more acceptable than pointing out that the utterly deregulated media is an engine for destroying democracy and that the ACLU and the Supreme Court "free speech - free press" rulings are what allowed it to happen. 

If you want to know where the "nice Germans" are, the ones who "didn't know" you can often find them on the liberal ghetto hours at MSNBC and writing liberal columns magazines offline and on.   Until they face that you can't have a mass media that is allowed to lie without effective deterrents,  Trumpery is what you're going to get, after you get a gradual corruption such as the Republican presidencies since Eisenhower's have been and as the Supreme Court has been enabling since Earl Warren was pleasing the nice liberals so that smut peddlers and corporate liars could push their wares and lies. 

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