Monday, January 8, 2018

Hate Mail

I'm asking it now,  why, if the Constitution works, is Trump still in office?   That he is in office, today, is proof that the Constitution doesn't protect us from what we are seeing, when the Congress is a corrupt prop to an actual, known traitor to the country who was installed after losing the election because the Constitution sets up the Electoral College.  

The U. S. Constitution has failed the test, it installed Trump.  When it has done that once, it can be used to do it over and over again as long as it isn't changed to prevent that.   That's the ugly truth, not the comforting bromide.   The uglier truth is that people like Madison and Hamilton set it up to empower oligarchy, not to prevent it from overt rule instead of doing so behind the scenes.  

Update:  Off Topic Hate:

Anyone who has ever read my blog would be unsurprised to hear that I consider Raymond Cardinal Burke to be a right-wing thug and a gangster and no kind of example of the teachings of Jesus, the Law and the Prophets.    I'm trying hard to think of a single thing I've ever supported that he would support or a thing that I've condemned that wouldn't apply to him, within relevant categories.   If Francis were more like Benedict XVI he'd have sent Burke to a life sentence in a monastery.   That he hasn't done so is a testimony as to the character of the current Pope as opposed to his immediate predecessors who did such things. 

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